/~19~/- Blue Cookies

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 Percy POV

I wasn't surprised when she found out my disguise. May maybe a little but she's super smart so I figure she figure it out sooner or later or I would blow my top and tell her. 

The night ended around midnight when we staggered back to our bunks and I crashed, my head resting against the soft sea smelling pillows. This place was where my real parents met. I had never met my father, he left us when I was two and I have no use to see him again. He works for Olympic and every time I see my Uncle Zeus I cringe if he will tell me about his brother. 

When I was four, my mother was dating Gabe, me and her had taken a trip to the ocean here. It was one of our lat couple of ones before Gabe took over. I can remember my mother telling me something specific about dad. 

"You father, he was a good man but he had his duties and his duties did not include us. Perseus, he was lost at sea, his heart for his work. But he loves you." 

I remember those words, like at that moment I had a photographic memory and after the picture had been snapped, the photographic part was gone. Dissovled into the sands. 

I groaned when sunlight woke me. It was warm but dam bright. I yawned and stretched before opening my eyes. A laugh echoed in the tiny cabin. 

"'Bout time you Seaweed Brain." I immidialaty sat up. And of course, just my luck the top of my head crashed against the top of the bunk bed. Ow. It felt like someone had hit me with a brick. Well Jason knew that experience well enough. We used to ship Brason. Don't judge. It waste at first. And then Leo took it a little too far. Apparenlty setting up Jason on a blind date with a brick wasn't funny in Jasons book. It had lipstick though.......

"ow." I muttered and my eyes fluttered opened seeing her. I admit I tried to not drool. She wore cut off shorts, a white tank top and her hair was pulled back in a high pony tail, her grey eyes bright against her bronze skin. There are statues and then there are sculpture. Annabeth is a masterpiece. 

"Get up, its almost nine." She muttered and laughed, throwing her long blonde hair back. I smiled sheepishly as she left, the door closing shut behind her, leaving me alone in the cabin. I dressed in a simple pair of running shorts and a blue tank top, I tried to brush my hair but it stuck up as soon as I put the comb down. 

When I got outside Jason and Leo were quote on quote trying to make a fire, Piper and Hazel where in the background shaking their heads. Reyna, Calypso where chatting by the oceans edge,  Annabeth and Frank where laughing over something. 

"Struggling?" Piper said leaning down next to Jason making them both blush as red as tomatoes. Those two really needed to get together. I didn't need to be Aphrodite to know love when I saw it. 

"Yeah.." Jason muttered. Piper took the matches from his big hands and struck the box once with a new match, the match was now a bright orange flame and she lit the newspaper on fire inside the circular pit. 

"Percy! Get the cookies!" Leo suddenly shot up from his spot in between Piper and Jason who were admiring their fire. My insides jolted like electricity with pure exitment. Without any question I bolted back inside the cabin, my feet skittering across the sandy wooden floor and to the dingy little kitchen. I opened cabinets frantically looking for them, the little Tupperware box off cookies—but not any kind of cookies, blue cookies. 

Finally in the cabinet beneath the sink was the red and clear plastic box. My hands gripped the sides as I raced back outside to the fire. The cold morning ocean gently pushed on the sand covered shore and the morning sky was a brilliant blue. 

Everyone had gathered at the little card table we had set up the night before, filled with plastic cups, spoons and paper plates and napkins. There was juice and water for the day. If we where older we would have gotten some cheap spirits. 

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