/~27~/- World News

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Annabeth POV

"You know this is going to blow up the media right? You'll be interrogated everywhere you go." He warned her once again, before leaving to his apartment. All the tears had left me and now I was just trying to hang onto the fact my life wasn't the same as yesterdays.

"I know." She whispered and Percy got up. They would be leaving for Aphrodite's Love Show in an hour and she must look nice.

She stood up with him, and encircled her arms around his neck. "Thank you," I whisper and lightly press my lips to his. His body goes stiff and rigid, but then melts into the kiss. I pulls away before anything could get too heated.

"You better go." I said softly and his nods sadly, like its the truth he isn't ready to accept.

He walks out the door, and closes it behind him. I sigh, running my hands through my hair. I have a few dresses but a not many, I'm not that type of girl. I search through my closet for what seems like days but finally find a cute grey one that goes down to my mid thigh and isn't showy for the creepy male listeners around the world.

Before I can start on my makeup, someone knocks on the door. I sigh. It must be Percy trying to figure out how to tie his shoes.

I hop around all of Hazel's paintings and open the door. I expect Percy but instead I find Luke. He hans't tried to contact me since I forced him out my way almost three weeks ago.

"Luke." I say coldly, folding my arms on my chest. My intense gaze makes him flinch but he looks at me remorsefully.

"Hey Annie, why you dressed like that?" He asks, looking pointedly at my clothes. I breathe out and angered sigh and raise my eyebrows. I hate that nickname.

"Going out." My voice drops low and he looks at the floor and then gives a long breath before taking his gaze to mine.

"Why are you here Luke?" I ask, and Luke blushes a deep red. Luke never blushes. It's a rare thing to see a dead corpse blush. Especially one that I've wanted to murder myself for almost a year. It's no wonder Thalia swore off men forever. All because of this cheating bastard in front of me.

"Well I was wondering Annabeth," He starts and I immidialaty notice he calls me Annabeth, which like smiling and blushing is a rare occasion. Almost alien to me. "If you would go out with me?" He sighs, trying to sound nice and not like a jackass.

Hot tendrils of anger spike my blood. Something boils in my gut, hard nots of madness want to strangle the 23 year old man in front of me. But Thalia was more of man than Luke could ever be. I had a feeling it would come to this. The blonde haired, blue eyed man in front of me wants me. But all he's going to do is break me.

"Luke." I say firmly and he looks at me and a spark of hope lights his eyes. "No. I don't want you. I don't need you. If I ever see your sorry ass again I will throw you off this building." I threaten and clench my fists. His shoulders slump and a fire lights his eyes dangerously.

"I've changed Annie, more than you could know. I'm better than I was. I won't turn into that man again." he tries to make himself sound better than he is. It doesn't work, not a million dollars would make me want to date him.

I bark a humorless laugh. "Changed? No sort of cheating asshole changes. What did you do with Kelli? Dump her like you did Thalia?" My voice goes weak when I mention my best friend. His whole demeanor changes. From the kind gentle face he slapped a mask on is now replaced by Luke, the real villain of this world.

"People can change, even me. We could find Thalia and run off like we used to, like the old days." He yearns, his blue eyes trying to find hope. Something burns madly in my chest. I don't want him anymore than I want to drop out of college.

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