Author's Introduction

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Dude awesome you chose my story! Thank you, you won't regret this. My name is The A.I Writer, and this is my second fanfiction. It was supposed to be my first story, but I decided to publish this other one-shot story, Snuggle, first. Check it out if you haven't it will literally take you five minutes to read.

Anyway, this story will be my attempt at a re-make of Crisis on Earth X, but with a Superflash twist to it. Now that last part is important, this story will be heavily revolving around the pairing of Supergirl and the Flash. You have been warned.

This story is 35 chapters long, I know it is a lot. My vision for this story is to make it as real as possible, I wanted to make this story seem like something the CW would actually produce. That said, Barry and Iris have one of the strongest relationship in the show, which means if the CW was ever going to break the two up and make Kara and Barry a canon couple, it would take a lot. This story has a plot and a story to follow, it won't be quick to introduce Kara and Barry as a couple.

But that doesn't mean there isn't going to be any Kara and Barry moment at all, there is actually a lot. Some in the first ten chapters, a lot of happy moments in the second ten, and a lot of emotional moments in the third ten.

Another thing I feel I need to mention is that I'm a big fan of easter eggs and stealing lines from the show. If you see any of these two, point it out to let me know you guys are paying attention.

I hope you guys like my story, I'm so excited to share my creation with all of you. I am so proud of what I made and I hope to entertain you guys with it. My dream is to get at least one of my stories to be number one on the Superflash list, I really hope this one can do it.

Anyway I've taken up to much of your guys time, let's get to the story... after a couple of ground rules.

Rule 1. In this story when I write Supergirl or The Flash, it means that they are in their super suits. Now there will be some exception to this, if they are in an emotional or meaningful scene you will see me break this rule. It's only to make the story flow better.

Rule 2. When I switch between two universes in a single chapter I will be writing the Earth's number at the top next to the location, that's just to make sure no one gets lost.

Rule 3. Later on Kara talks about almost kissing Barry in the Duet episode, just go along with it don't question it.

Rule 4. When Catiline/Killer Frost talk about Ronny, they both knew the guy. I now that Killer Frost wasn't there back in the time, but just go with it.

That is all for now, I just need you all to understand that none of these characters are mine, they all belong to the CW and DC Comics. I am just borrowing them to make my own, non profitable, story for the world to enjoy. Anyway enjoy the story.

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