Chapter 3

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S.T.A.R Labs

"What! The heck! Was that that?" Cisco announces as he walks into S.T.A.R Labs with the rest of the heroes.

"They're monsters that's what." Iris comments angrily as she storms off into the ladies restroom to remove her wedding dress which had a big blast hole that she got from one of the Nazis soldier's gun blast.

Barry watched as she stormed out of the room and then preceded to bring back his attention to the team's main problem.

"Alright here's what we are going to do. Harry your on our satellites; try to locate their leader or that archer. Use the city's security cameras and pull an image of them from the church. Use that as a template." Barry commanded.

"How do we know if they are still wearing their uniforms, they could have ditched them and that would leave our satellites with nothing to look for." Harry challenged as he always did.

"We have to try." Barry responded, "Cisco, monitor for any large moving crowds around in the city, start from the church's entrance and head northeast from there. I think I saw them moving that direction right before they disappeared."

"On it." Cisco said with a snap of his fingers.

"Felicity how about you help him." Oliver added.

"Yeah." Facility agreed with a serious tone.

"Catiline." Barry turned to Catiline, "You're on medical support. Check up with the rest of the team; see if any one needs assistance with any injuries, burns, or anything else. Start with Alex she's in the med room already."

Catiline responded with a nod before leaving to get to work.

"Oliver suit up and go back to the church. No one understands archery more than you. See if you can find any clues as to who our mystery archer is. Wally I want you to get Joe and Cecil out of town; once your done with that I want you to do recon of the city, I need someone checking those spots that our satellites can't get to. If you find anything don't engage ok; wait for backup. And finally Kara, my reporter, I need you to interview the whole team. Ask them if they saw anything that can give us a lead on who these Nazi soldiers are, we need to collect all our info. We all understand what we're doing? Great let's move." Barry commanded not waiting for response.

The whole team dispersed to do their assigned jobs leaving only Kara and Barry alone in the cortex. Barry proceeded to remove his tie and throw it onto the table before wiping his face in an attempt to de-stress himself.

"That's pretty impressive." Kara complimented Barry.

"What is?" Barry said covering his eyes with his hand refusing to look up.

"On how you take charge. The way you pull together everyone." Kara smiled at him, but Barry didn't even noticed with his hand over his eyes.

"It's really nothing impressive." Barry said not understanding what Kara was getting at. "You work for the D.E.O. You probably see leadership all the time there from Hank."

"Yeah, but I've never seen anyone keep such a cool head while doing it." Kara explained while moving towards him and pulling his hands down from his eyes so that he could see her, "Especially someone who had just got there very expensive wedding crashed by a bunch of Nazis."

Barry tried to keep a serious face, but failed to keep his chuckle in.

"Don't laugh." Kara said laughing at him laughing, "I'm serious. You don't even seem bothered by the whole thing. You look so cool and under control when your giving out orders. It's impressive."

"Ha-ha. Ok. Thanks I needed that." Barry said standing up straight. He smiled and stared at Kara for what seemed to him like five seconds to him, but in reality it was longer.

To Kara it was like an eternity. She couldn't bring herself to remove her eyes from him. She could have done it if he wasn't smiling at her, but to her that smile of his was her kryptonite. She felt so powerless when he gave her that look. She felt herself moving closer to him, but was unsure if it was actually happening or not. Every second that passed felt like she had traveled a mile. She just kept moving closer, waiting for him to say something to her about it. But he didn't. For a moment she thought that she was actually going to make it all the way, but then what. She had no idea what she would do if she got to the end. Would she hug him? Peck him on the cheek? Give him a quick kiss? Smash her lips into his hard? Would she stick her tongue in his mouth? Or pick him up, slam him on the console, and rip his suit off? Man he looked handsome in his suit. There were so many options that she had no idea which to choose. She had to choose fast because she was almost there. She was honestly considering the last option.

The two were so focused on each other that they didn't even notice Catiline walk into the room.

"What are you two doing?" Catiline interrupted.

"Agh!" Kara jumped at the surprising appearance of Catiline. Kara was so nervous of what Catiline was thinking that she began to make ramble, "We weren't doing anything. We were just going over some stuff about the...the...the Nazi leader. We were discussing that... that... maybe the leader was... ugh... ugh... a girl!"

Barry on the other hand just laughed at Kara's reaction. He completely missed what he and Kara where doing before Catiline came in, and so had no clue of the ideas that where going through Catiline's head.

"Alright then." Catiline said unconvinced, "Well I just finished cleaning up Rory's bruises and he wanted to talk to you Kara."

"Oh ok. Well Barry I'll catch up with you later ok." Kara said fast trying to be as distance as possible to not give Catiline any more reasons to believe her suspicions. "Lets go Catiline."

Kara grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around in a forceful manner.

"Alright see you later." Barry waved goodbye, but was ultimately useless since she and Catiline were already out of room. Being left alone in the cortex, Barry took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly, "Time to talk to Iris."

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