Chapter 8

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Outside city limits of National City

A blue spiral portal opened up in the middle of nowhere and two figures stepped through.

"Wow, it's good to be back here." Barry smiled looking around at the bright sunny world.

"Yeah. Let's head to the D.E.O and get to work." Kara said. "Oh quick reminder the D.E.O changed locations since you were here last time. You should probably follow me."

Kara took to the sky quickly while Barry followed her to the D.E.O Headquarters.

D.E.O Headquarters

"Here we are. What do you think." Kara said walking into the building with Barry at her side.

"Wow!" Barry before using his speed to search the entire building.

"Supergirl!" Hank shouted at Kara when he noticed a bunch of speeding blurs running around his top secret headquarters. "Mind explaining to me who you friend is?"

"Hank. You remember Barry." Kara said followed by Barry stopping at her side.

"Good to see you again Hank." Barry removed his cowl and held his hand out.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. Go to see you again Mr. Allen." Hank shock his hand, "So what does me the honor of having the scarlet speedster here on our Earth?"

"We ran into a little problem back on my Earth and we don't have the proper equipment to hand this kind of situation." Barry explained.

"Barry's Earth has a Kryptonian problem." Kara helped, "I need to go talk to Superman and Barry needs a lab to work."

"Well we will be happy to help you in any way possible, especially since your team was so kind to had helped us when Supergirl went through that whole Music Mister problem." Hank showed his granditute with a smile before turning around to talk to one of his agents, "Agent can you help direct Mr. Allen to Agent Danver's lab."

The agent responded with a nod and Barry followed her.

"Thank you Hank." Supergirl was grateful that Hank was able to help out her friend. "If you excuse me, I'm off to go speak with Clark."

Hank gave her a nod and walked back to his post. Kara then walked to the window, leaped off the building, and flew to Metropolis.

Outside city limits of National City

A red spiral portal opened up in the middle of nowhere and two figures stepped through.

"So this is Earth 38's National City. It's way to bright here." The General shielded her eyes from the bright sun. "Where are they?"

Eobard looked at his GPS which was tracking Barry and Kara's location. He noticed that Kara and Barry's GPS signals were not together.

"The two seem to have seperated." Eobard explained.

"Then we should attack now." The General ordered.

D.E.O Headquarters

"Barry my man!" Winn yelled at Barry when he saw him in Alex's lab. Barry was caught off guard by Winn's sudden entrances. He was looking into a microscope so he wasn't able to notice him coming.

"Winn how's it going man." Barry said with a smile once he recovered. He took off his blue sterol gloves and gave him a bro handshake. "I didn't know you worked at the D.E.O."

"Oh yeah. Been working here for nearly two years now. Lot has changed." Winn said. "So how's Central City? How the whole Flash business."

"Oh you know. Always something going on every week." Barry responded going back to examining the blood cells.

"Yeah same here. So what's going on this week?" Winn asked

"We have this Kryptonian in a Nazi wardrobe crashing weddings in Central City." Barry said continuing to examine the blood.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, how was the wedding?" Winn said with a clueless smile.

Barry took a pause from his work to look at Winn, "My wedding."

"Oh!" Winn realized his mistake, "Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine." Barry smiled and went back to work.

"If you like, I can run a quick DNA analyzed on your sample. Have it go through or data base. Hopely we can get a name." Winn offered.

"Oh yeah that would great. It's worth a shot." Barry handed him the blood sample.

"Great it'll only be a sec." Winn said as he took the sample from him.

Winn went over to a machine in the corner and placed the blood into it. He grabbed a tablet and turned the machine on with it. On the screen multiple faces of people were being scanned through in a rapid pace.

"While we wait I want to give you your wedding gift." Winn said reaching into his wallet.

"Oh Winn it's not necessary."

"It's no trouble. Here. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to wrap it up. The hours here are long." Winn said handing Barry a folded rectangular paper.

Barry accepted the gift and looked at it. "A 50% off coupon to Big Donut."

Barry laughed at generosity and cleverness of Winn. "Thanks Winn this is perfect."

"Your welcome. The gift is more for you; sorry I don't really know your fiancée that much." Winn admitted his flaws.

"Still it's perfect. Thank you." Barry leaned in for a hug and Winn accepted. Suddenly a beeping sound came from the tablet.

"The data base found a match for your sample." Winn said picking up the tablet.

"Really? I didn't think that would work." Barry said shocked.

"Oh... my... god?" Winn said with a shocked face, "I can't believe it."

"Whose is it? Who does the blood belong to?" Barry expressed eagerly.

"It's... Kara's" Winn said turning the tablet in his hand so that Barry could see Kara's picture on the screen.

"What? That's impossible? How?" Barry said taken back in shock.

"It's about time." A mysterious voice came from entrance of the door. It was a the yellow speedster. He was vibrating his molecules to hide his identity, but it was pointless. Barry could identify those glowing red eyes no matter how fast he vibrates his body.

Barry was suddenly filled with rage. He clenched his teeth, he put himself in between Winn and the yellow speedster. "Eobard!"

In the middle of the air

Kara was flying fast through the sky when all of a sudden she was fit by someone from above. That person dragged her to the ground hard.

Kara picked herself up and looked around to find who had attacked her. She stopped when she noticed a figure floating above her. Kara couldn't see who it was since the figure was in front of the sun and that casted a shadow over her.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Kara demanded to know.

"Really Kara. Still haven't figured it out." The figure reached the floor.

Kara finally was able to get a clear image of her attacker. "It's you." She was shocked to see the Nazi Kryptonian on her Earth.

The Kryptonian reached behind her ear and deactivated her mask. Kara's reaction was what she expected it to be. Denial.

"No. It's not possible." Kara couldn't believe it, "How can you be me?"

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