Chapter 22

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Earth 1 - Arrow Cave

Kara sat in a chair, still in Barry's suit with her eyes stained red. Oliver stood in front of her while everyone else stood around them.

"So where am I?" Kara asked, realizing that she has never once seen the place she was in.

"Oh! Welcome to the Arrow Cave!" Felicity said with her arms in a presenting gesture.

"Oh so this is where you work Oliver, it's... dark." Kara commented looking around, "Why are we here? Why aren't we in S.T.A.R Labs?"

Oliver looked at the Cisco and Catiline, he saw their sad facial expressions, "Um. S.T.A.R Labs is gone Kara."

"What? What do you mean gone?" Kara questioned him.

"Let me explain, do you remember me before you left to Earth 38?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah?" Kara said confused.

"That wasn't me. It was the Earth X version of me impersonating me, he ambushed me back at the church and he pretended to be me to convince Barry to take you back to your Earth so that Overgirl and Reverse Flash could kill the two of you." Oliver told her, "When you two where gone, he blew up S.T.A.R Labs."

"Oh my gosh! How are you all alive right now?" Kara asked in shock.

"Before the blast went off we managed to get everyone down to the pipeline, since the pipeline is underground, it acted like a bomb shelter." Iris explained.

"The Earth X Oliver captured me and held me captive with Gypsy, who's over there." Oliver said pointing to Gypsy.

"Hi my name is Gypsy. I'm an interdimensional cop." She told Kara, she then pressed a button on her gauntlet and three blue holograms popped up in front of her. The holograms where images of Kara, Oliver, and Barry, but Barry's picture there was a big red 'X' over it.

"Are those us?" Kara asked.

"No. These are the Earth X versions of you guys." Gypsy told her, "They call themselves 'The Reichsman'. They are from an Earth where the Axis Alliance won The Second World War. These three are the leaders of the Reichsman and I have been tracking them down for a long time."

Gypsy pressed a button and the image of Overgirl expanded into a 3-D full length scale hologram, "Meet Kara Zor-El or as she is known on Earth X, 'Overgirl'. The supreme leader of the Reichsman. She is of Kryptonian origin and is known for ruling with an iron fist. She killed the previous supreme leader of the Reichsman, who was also her older cousin Kal-El or 'Overman', two years ago."

Everyone turned their attention to Superman and he responded with, "Wow... that was harsh."

"Continuing on." Gypsy said, "In the two years that Overgirl has taken control of the Reichsman, she has an acted 14 new acts that encourage the harsh imprisonment of minor crimes, has extended the imprisonment time of criminals, and worst of all she created and enacted one single new law called the Cleansing Act that demanded that all non-aryan race and non-straight personnel be reported and terminated on sight."

"That's horrible." Kara commented.

"What's even more horrible was that on the first day that she enacted The Cleansing Act, she wanted to make sure that everyone was there to witness the first person to fall victim to this act." Gypsy then pulled up an image a dead woman covered in blood and on the ground, "Her own sister."

Everyone looked in shock at the image. The woman on the ground was Alex. She had a burn hole in her forehead and over her stood Kara.

"She killed her own... sister." Kara said in disbelief.

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