Chapter 6

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S.T.A.R Labs

"What did you find Oliver?" Barry said coming in with Cisco, Catiline, Harry, Wally, Felicity, and Kara

"This." Oliver said showing the arrow and vile with the blood sample.

"Is that an arrow that was used by the archer?" Kara asked taking the arrow to examine it.

"Yup, and look at this." Oliver said pulling out one of his arrows from his quiver. He put it up against the arrow Kara was holding for comparison. "You see?"

"They're the same." Catiline answered. It was true. The two arrows where exactly alike in every way. The shape and structure of the arrow head were the same, the only difference was the color.

"I examined the arrow head, they are hand made. The welding and cutting style are exactly the same as my own." Oliver said placing back his arrow into his quiver.

"So either we are dealing with a guy who stalks the Green Arrow and has trained himself to become an identical match to him, or-." Cisco analyzed

"We are dealing with an evil me." Oliver finished.

"If you let me take the arrow I can see if we can find any DNA prints or some clue that can lead us to our evil Green Arrow." Catiline asked.

Oliver nodded and Kara handed over the arrow to Catiline. She leaves to run her experiments and Barry then moves on to the other piece of evidence brought in.

"So what does the blood tell us." Barry asked.

"I managed to retrieve this from the site where Kara and the Nazi leader landed after crashing through the roof." Oliver said, "I'm assuming that it's the Nazi leader's since she appeared to be injured after fighting Kara."

"Yeah it has to be her's. After landing I remember seeing her seriously injured. She was too weak to stand and passed out." Kara remembered.

"Cool so all we have to do is get this to Catiline and she can run a DNA test on it also. With this we can learn more about this Nazi leader and maybe how to defeat her." Wally added.

"No need." Oliver responded, "I did a couple of tests on my own back at the church and discovered something you guys will find important."

"What did you find Mr. Queen?" Harry asked.

Oliver opened the vale of blood and poured it onto a petri dish, he then took out an arrow with a metal arrow head from his quiver and held it over the blood. Before proceeding with his demonstration he turned to Kara, "You should probably brace yourself."

He removed the metal arrow head to reveal a glowing green arrow head. Kara instantly recognized it as kryptonite from her sudden weaken state.

Barry turned to Kara and saw her losing her footing. He quickly sped his way over to her and caught her by her shoulders before she hurt herself. He kneeled down and leaned her up against himself to help give her a supporting crutch.

Oliver proceeded with his demonstration by tilted the arrow over the blood and placed the tip into it. Immediately the blood started to burn and evaporate in an instant.

Everyone watched in shock at Oliver finished his demonstration.

"Our mysterious Nazi leader." Harry said with a dramatic pause, "Is a Kryptonian."

Block Outside of S.T.A.R Labs

"Are we almost ready to proceed with phase two?" Nazi Kara command into her ear piece.

"Patients General." The yellow vibrating man advised, "This next step is crucial for our plan. We only get one shot at this."

"I would advise you, Thawne, to know when you are given permission to speak. Especially to your superior." Kara answered back, "Don't think for a second that your invention here is going to earn you my respect. We both know that you're only providing your service for the Reichsman for your own personal gain."

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