Chapter 1

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Iris and Barry's wedding ceremony

"Everyone please be seated.", announced the priest, "We have gathered here today to join our good friends Barry Allen and Iris West in holy matrimony. Although I don't know them well I know they are a good match... How do I know that, well because of you, all of you, seeing the joy on your faces."

As the we look around the room we see everyone with bright smiles on their faces... well all except one. It was the person you least expect it to be, Kara Danvers. She happened to be the only person in the room without a smile, even Mick had a smile on his face while he quietly slept through the ceremony.

"Seeing how happy you all are for them tells me all I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. To be happy and fulfilled. And that they deserve a long life together. Does anyone have just cause for why these two should not be married. Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Suddenly a pair of blue beams hits the priest and disintegrates him right in front of the almost-married couple and all their guests.

Following the path of the beams to their source had them ending up staring at a blonde woman floating in middle of the church.

"Peace is overrated." She announced.

The woman was dressed in a black uniform with red lining to match with her black gloves and boots. The uniform was accompanied by a black and red cape, and a red diamond with two zig-zag "S's" in the middle as a cress. Her face was covered by a black mask with blood red goggles implanted into it that gave the already intimidating figure a more menacing feel.

She was then quickly followed by a rush of soldiers. The soldiers were dressed in similarly painted armor as their floating leader. They came from all directions and in a matter of seconds had the entire church surrounded.

Directly under their floating superior came a unique soldier. He had a similar uniform to the Green Arrow, but with some alterations. He wore his uniform with a black and red color pattern and instead of a firearm he carried a bow and a quiver of arrows. His face was covered by a similar mask, as worn by the mysterious floating woman, and with the same effect.

"Are those Nazis?" Oliver asked in shock. The Nazis soldiers raise their firearms while the mysterious archer drawer back his bow with a arrow loaded.

"I hate Nazis." Oliver, Barry, and Kara said in unison.

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