Chapter 14

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Abandoned Warehouse

Reverse Flash ran back into the dark warehouse. He stop in front of his desk and laid his hands on his desk, breathing heavily.

"Enjoy your run?"

Reverse Flash turned around and saw Overgirl sitting on a crate in the dark. She was playing around with her device waiting for him to come back.

"I was just out doing...recon." Reverse Flash said removing his cowl.

"Oh were you now." Overgirl said walking over to him and placing the device back in front on his desk. "And what did you find out?"

"Kara Danvers is unable to fight for the time being, but she will be back soon. Probably before you." Thawne told her, taking a seat so that he could begin to tinker with the device.

"Oh really?" Overgirl said, but she already knew that.

"We need to lay low for now. Superman and the Martian are going to be looking for us, and in your condition we don't stand a chance."

"Ok that's good to know. And would that be it? You didn't discover anything else important?" Overgirl said, teasing him.

Thawne placed the device down in frustration, he knew what her angle was and he also knew that she wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't tell her what she wanted.

"You were right." He whispered.

"What was that?" Overgirl smirked wanting to hear him much clearer.

"I said your right." Thawne repeated with much anger, "It's clear that there is something between this Earth's Kara Danvers and my Earth's Barry Allen. Something strong."

"Stronger than what he has with Iris West?"

"I didn't say that."

"But you've seen it. You know it to be true."

"It's a possibility."

"Ok fine. Going back to the subject of Superman and the Martian's presents, what can we do about that?"

"Don't worry." Eobard told her as he dismantled the device, "Your power levels will be high enough to beat him. Plus you've beaten him before; can't you do it again?"

"Ah. Yeah of course. Just fix the device and I'll be able to handle him; just make sure that The Flash and the Martian don't get in my way this time." Overgirl told him.

"Alright. Looks like we have an agreement." Eobard told her.

"Good I'm going to go rest again. Bring back my powers as soon as possible." Overgirl told him as began to walk away.

"One more thing." Eobard said looking at the device, but yet holding up a finger to her.

"What." Overgirl asked annoyed.

"You were pretty smart to figure out the whole possibility of there being a connection between Barry Allen and your counterpart. I would have never thought about it myself." Eobard said standing up to meet her gaze.

"Thanks. And?" Overgirl questioned his intentions.

"Well that's the thing, I would have never thought of it." Eobard repeated, "It baffles me. I know everything about The Flash; his home, his friends, his work, his love interests. And yet you figure out something that I don't know about."

"Where are you going with this Thawne?" Overgirl asked annoyed.


"How what?"

"How do you so much about the Flash? About Barry Allen?"

"I don't. It was a lucky guess."

"Yeah, but that's the thing I don't believe in luck. I feel like there is more to you that I don't know."

"I don't have time for this, I need to rest." Overgirl said as began to walk away from him.

"Yeah, your probably right, but I have one last question."

"I told you I don't have time."

"Who was the Barry Allen of your Earth?" Eobard asked anyway.

Overgirl froze. She didn't move or say anything. She didn't turn around, she just stared at the floor and said, "He was a soldier for the Reichsman."

"Oh so you did know him." Eobard said sounding really interested. "What happen to your Flash?"

Overgirl took a deep breath, exhaled, and responded, "His name was Blitzkrieg, not The Flash. He was one of my top commanders along with Dark Arrow, had his own private unit of excellently trained soldiers that he would lead on assault missions. His powers are the same as your Barry Allen's, except that he had red lightning when he ran instead of orange. Along with super speed, Blitzkrieg was the Reichsman's top leading scientist. His performance was outstanding and he always produced results. When he was young his mother was killed in front of him. He swore that day that he would bring order to our chaotic world. He tried to join the Reichsman as a soldier but they discharged him for being to weak. He later reapplied as a researcher, shortly after being accepted he out performed all our other scientists and became our leading scientist at the age of 17. One night when he was working late, an accident happened that granted him his super speed. After discovering his new powers, it wasn't long until they placed him out in the field. He rose through the ranks like crazy and after seeing his performance I promoted him as one of my commanders."

"Sounds like you were really close to him. For someone to your cold standers."

"Hardly! I knew a little bit more information about him then I normally do about my other commanders, but that's only because I need soldiers that I can trust."

"But you two didn't have a thing."

"No! He was an excellent fighter, a master with his speed, extremely intelligent, a great leader, but he lacked discipline. He would disobey orders, he was cocky, and to confident for his own good!" Overgirl said with anger before taking a deep breath and continuing, "He died a couple months ago. He went on a recon mission with his team, but he didn't come back. His soldiers were able to came back, but told us that they were spotted by the resistance force. His team was out numbered, so he ordered a retreat. He died at the hands off a rebel called Black Condor."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't! If he died, it's because he was weak. His death made the Reichsman stronger." Overgirl said with a cold heartless voice, "Now how about you stop asking me questions and get back to work."

Overgirl suddenly felt an extreme pain in her chest that cause her to collapse on the floor. Eobard walked over to her and held out his hand to help her, but she slapped it way. Refusing to except his charity.

"Your condition is getting worse." Eobard told her. "The more time we waste, the worst your condition will get."

"Well then let's not waste time anymore. Get that damn machine fixed and have it done no longer then 48 hours." Overgirl ordered him as she began to make her way to her resting spot.

Eobard didn't say anything back to her; He just went back to work at his desk. As he was rebuilding the device he thought back to the story Overgirl was telling him. He found it annoying that someone other than him had the pleasure of killing Barry Allen, especially a mirror rebel. But how? If what Overgirl told him was true, how would a rebel be able to kill one of her most highly skilled commanders. Another thing he didn't buy, was her connection to Blitzkrieg. She had definitely not told him everything.

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