Chapter 15

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Kara's Bedroom

Barry began to feel the light coming from the window hit his eyes, but he refuse to move from his position though. He was way to comfortable.

*Sniff *"Kara." He unknowingly mumbled in his sleep. He held her by her waist line in his arms and had her hair in his face. He subconsciously loved the smell of her strawberry scented hair. He held her tightly, afraid that she would leave him if he held on to her to lightly.

But that wasn't what actually was happening. As soon as Barry open his eyes he saw that he was holding a pillow. It only smelled like her because it was the pillow she used last night. He let go of it and rubbed his eyes, looking around he saw that there was no sign of Kara anywhere.

Walking out of her room, he finally found Kara standing over the stove. She was cooking while watching a morning talk show on the TV.

"Good morning?" Barry told her trying to get her attention.

"Oh. Good morning. You woke up just in time." Kara said placing the scrambled eggs and pancakes she was cooking onto a plate. "You better be hungry."

"I am." Barry said taking a seat at the dinner table.

"That's good because I made you breakfast." Kara said setting a the plate in front of him and pouring him some orange juice.

"Oh that's nice of you." Barry said looking down at his plate.

"Just wanted to do something nice for you since yesterday you were doing everything for me." Kara said as she saw him take his first bite, "So. What do you think?"

Barry chewed his food in his mouth taking in all the different flavors in, "You know how I said we don't need to lie to each other." Barry told her in between bites.

"Yeah." Kara said with a smile.

"This sucks." Barry told her with a big grin.

"What? Really." Kara said with a giggle.


"Well it's not easy to cook with a one hand." Kara tried to defend herself.

"I'm sorry but it's still true." Barry said pushing the plate away, he got up and gave her a smile "Here how about we make something together."

"Nah. Screw that. How about you take me out to eat since you're acting like such a critic today." Kara said taking his plate away to the sink.

Barry laughed at her, "Alright I deserve that. Let me get ready quick and we can head out."

"Alright just don't take-"

"Done." Barry said using his super speed to get ready in less than three seconds, "Sorry for taking so long."

Kara just laughed at his joke as she placed on her coat.

"Here let me help." Barry said noticing that she was going to need help placing her injured arm in the arm sleeve.

"Thanks Barry."

"Sure thing. Hey I just noticed you're walking again."

"Yup. Woke up and I didn't feel any pain in my leg anymore. So I took the bandages off."

"That's good."

"It is, but I will admit I am going to miss you carrying me everywhere." Kara jokes.

"My back won't." Barry joked back.

Kara laughed, "Lets go."

Cafe in National City

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