Chapter 4

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Hallway of S.T.A.R Labs

"So does Rory have info on the leader, the archer, or something else?" Kara said walking to the medical room while Catiline followed behind.

"Your not actually just going to pretend that what I just saw in there didn't just happen." A cold echoey voice responded.

"I don't know what your talking about Catiline." Kara said with a convincing smile and attitude. She turned around and was surprised to find a Catiline Snow with white hair and extremely pale, almost blue, skin.

"Please girl your not fooling anyone." The modified Catiline responded, "And call me Killer Frost."

"What the? Where's-"

"Look girl", Killer Frost cut her off, "It's clear you have the hots for our speedster friend. You want a taste of him. So did I. You have no idea how many times he's come close to me and I would take a nice big hand full of that nice solid ass of his. Here let me help you; I'll go in there and distract him ok. Then your going to come in from behind and take your hand full. He says anything you say your reaching for a loose thread. Works every time."

"What! No! Gross! It's not like that I don't want to grab Barry's butt. We're friends." Kara explained with a noticeable deep shaded blush.

Killer Frost put her arm around her and lead her down the hall while trying to understand, "Oh I see, you want the whole package. The inside and outside. Well I'm sorry to tell you this girl, but he's taken. You're a little to late. That Iris chick has him... But now that I think about it I did see something between the two of you. Something strange."

"No!", Kara said even more red then before, "We were not doing anything. And I'm not interested in him like that. Honestly."

"But what I saw was different. It was a look I've never seen him give anyone else. I don't know if it's a bad or a good one though. He was so calm and relaxed with it." Killer Frost thought about the possibility of Kara and Barry. "How long have you liked him? No. How long have you loved him?"

"I don't like him like that. I'm telling you." Kara said getting a little annoyed that she wasn't listening to her. She got free of her hold and preceded to take the lead in the walk. She kept walking at a fast pace when all of a sudden she was forced to stop when she felt an extremely cold blast hit her legs.

"What the?" Kara looked down and saw her entire low half was stuck to the floor by ice, "Killer Frost let me go!" She demanded.

Killer Frost used her powers to summon a block of ice that she then sat on and then crossed her legs, "Tell me what's going on girl. When was the first time you realized you loved the great and perfect Barry Allen?"

"I don't love him. Ok. He has a fiancée. He almost go married today. He's happy." Kara said struggling to get out of her frozen trap. "I can't love him."

Killer Frost noticed the tone of defeat in her last statement. She knew that she had her hooked, now it was time to reel her in, "Why do you feel that you can't do something; your Supergirl aren't you? Supergirl can do anything, or did we just find something she can't do? She can't love?"

The words hit Kara hard. She stopped struggling and stood in place, letting the words sink into her.

"...Your right." Kara stood there beat. Looking down at the ground she felt defeated again. She was a fraud. She always said that Supergirl is what impowered her. That it let her defy what people told her she couldn't do. It's that trait that everyone looked up to, but yet when Killer Frost brought up the part of her not being able to love; it hit her. There was still one thing that Supergirl couldn't do.

This was all part of Killer Frost's plan. Kara was being to stubborn; she wasn't going to share what she was holding inside. She could have gained her trust and slowly over time Kara could have opened up to her, but that wasn't her style. Sometimes to see what is inside it's better to break them open and look inside yourself. "Great now that you exposed your insides, lets see if we can figure out what you've been hoarding."

Outside the Ladies Bathroom

"This is absolutely STUPID!!!", Iris yelled throwing her wedding dress out of door. Barry was able to catch it before it fell onto the floor. Normally a woman would care for her wedding dress, but that wasn't the case here. Iris couldn't even look at it.

"Iris it's not that bad. We'll capture these guys I promise. And then we can reschedule our wedding. You know maybe after this whole Nazi thing is finished I can get us a friend to officiate our marriage." Barry said with a smile hoping to show his fiancée that everything was going to be fine, "Since everyone is here what we can do is get... ugh John to officiate us in the park and have our friends there. Yeah?"

"Really is that your answer; is that what's going to fix this." Iris replied somehow even more angrier, "Barry, it took us nearly one year and a half to plan this wedding. We put so much effort into this it can't just be fixed with an idea created in half a second. Honestly will it kill you to slow down and maybe give things a little more thought."

"Look I'm sorry about everything that happened. Please don't be mad. I know your stressed I am too, but we can't let this effect us. We're Barry and Iris, we can get through anything." Barry said practically pleading to her. Barry took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Look at me. We will get through this. I don't care how much it'll cost me, but I will fix this and we will get married the right way. Ok. I promise."

Iris listened to his words, and then took a deep breath and exhaled, "Ok." She leaned into him and kissed him, "But I want a new wedding dress and new table settings. I don't know what we were thinking when we choose those awful table settings."

Barry laughed, "Ok. Anything you want." Barry actually wasn't there when the table settings where chosen, but he decided not to push his luck.

So what do you guys think, a little bit of WestAllen I know, but this is going to be mostly all of it. Please leave a comment or question. Tell me how I'm doing. 

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