Chapter 24

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Earth 1 - Oliver and Felicity's Penthouse

Kara was making herself comfortable on Oliver's couch. She decided she didn't feel comfortable raiding Oliver's fridge, so she didn't get anything.

"So Catiline how you dealing with S.T.A.R Labs being destroyed? It must have been rough seeing your place of work be destroyed." Kara asked as she placed a blanket over herself, not paying attention to what Catiline was doing.

"I don't care." Catiline answered coldly from the kitchen.

"What? I would have thought that that place would have meant a lot to you-," Kara stopped when she saw Killer Frost standing in the kitchen, "Killer Frost?"

"Sup." Killer Frost responded as she uncapped a blueberry yogurt that she got from the back of Oliver's fridge. She licked the yogurt off the cap before throwing it away.

"That's... Felicity's." Kara nervously told her, "She's not going to be happy."

"What's she going to do?" Killer Frost asked sarcastically, knowing that Felicity wouldn't be able to do anything.

"So what happened over on Earth 38?" Killer Frost asked as she took a seat on the single couch next to Kara.

"Weren't you paying attention back at the Arrow Cave?" Kara said not wanting to repeat herself again.

"I did... but I want the complete story." Killer Frost said continuing to eat her yogurt.

"What are you talking about?" Kara said suddenly getting nervous. How does she know everything.

"Come on. We aren't doing this again, it took way to long last time, let's just get skip all that and get right to the point where you tell me what I want." Killer Frost told her.

*Sigh* "Fine." Kara said giving up quickly, "I kissed Barry Ok. Happy."

"Wow. I didn't think you had it in you Danvers." Killer Frost said still eating. She didn't show how surprised she was because it just wasn't her style, "So how was it?"

"It was... magical. It was scary at first, it's still scary, but I don't regret it. I have no idea how Barry felt about it, but I hope he doesn't decide to stop being my friend." Kara said with a smile, she looked up at the ceiling while she laid her head on a pillow, "I'm glad I took your advice about not always having to be the hero. That it's ok to go after what I want."

Killer Frost just shook her head in approvement, she had the spoon in her mouth so she couldn't respond.

"Am I a bad person though for forcing a kiss on him like that, I mean, I really didn't give him a chance to pull away." Kara said losing her smile.

"Kara." Killer Frost told her.

"Yeah." Kara turned her head to see Killer Frost.

"Don't worry about it. You kissed the man you love. Just be happy while you can." Killer Frost told her as she scooped the sides of the yogurt cup with the spoon, "In case you haven't realized by now, heroes don't stay happy for long. Some new problem or tragedy will strike soon enough causing you and everyone around you to become engulfed in sadness, struggle, and drama. Enjoy this moment while you can."

Kara thought about what she said, "You're right! I'm going to enjoy my victory while I can."

Kara's smile returned and she placed her hands behind her head.

"You go slut." Killer Frost said cleaning her spoon of the last bit of yogurt.

"Slut?" Kara said confused.

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