Chapter 9

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In the middle of nowhere

Kara could not do anything but stare at her evil self.

"Hard to except it isn't it." Nazi Kara gave her an evil smile. "I feel the same way. How can someone that looks so much like me be so weak. It hurts my eyes to look at you."

"No. You where the one that killed the priest. You where the one that ruined Barry's wedding." Kara said still unable to believe it.

"Your welcome." Nazi Kara said with a smile followed by her reactivating her mask. She flew at Kara and took her up to the sky. She followed her attack by giving Kara a punch that sent her flying forward.

Kara was thrown a couple yards back before she was able to regain her balance in the air. Once she took control again she looked at the direction the General was at, but to her surprise she was gone. "What the?"

The General snuck above Kara's line of sight and delivered a forcefully punch that sent her straight down to the ground.

Kara's body hitting the ground caused a large crater to form. As she began to get up, the General dove down and landed right on top of Kara; forcing her back down to the ground and causing the crater to get larger and deeper.

"So weak!" The General said reaching down and picking Kara up. She held her up by the neck and gave her another punch that sent Kara flying forward again.

Once Kara landed again she looked around and saw National City in her view. She was at the city border. The fight caused her to retrace steps back to National City. "No. I need to get her away from the city."

As she got up, she saw the other Kryptonian flying at her at high speed. Before the General could land a fourth straight punch on her; Kara flew into the sky to dodge her attack. Her actions caused the General to keep flying straight into the ground.

As the General was getting up Kara came down on top of her. With the General on her back again Kara bent down and held onto her arms so that she couldn't punch her again. "It's over!"

"No it's not. National City hasn't seen their great Girl of Steel fall yet." The General said as she pulled in her legs close to her chest and delivered a furious kick to Kara's stomach.

Kara was sent flying into the sky again, but was immediately stopped when she crashed into the side of a skyscraper. Kara didn't even have a chance to recover because she was met by the General again. The General grabbed her by her neck and dragged her up the side of the building.

Once at the top the General throw Kara down to the streets of National City. The General stayed in the air and watched as the citizens ran in horror when they saw the destruction that she was causing. She then slowly descended to the street where she had thrown Supergirl.

As Kara stood up she felt herself struggle for a second. Once fully up, she saw the General land on the opposite side of the street. Kara looked at her trying to get some reason for why a Nazi look-a-like of her was attacking her and her city, but all she could see were her dark red goggles.

"Why are you doing this!? What do you want from me!?" Kara yelled her questions.

"What I want to do is cleanse this world of you." The General responded, she followed this by removing her mask so that Kara could see her face, "I can't believe you Kara. All these powers and you use them to protect them instead of rule them. A god that chooses to live among those less of her. Why?"

"We are not gods. We shouldn't be ruling them." Kara shot back.

"We have to! You think that these inferior species is capable of ruling themselves. They are corrupt. They are greedy, murders, robbers, criminals; if we don't rule over them then they will destroy themselves!" The General shouted in frustration of Kara's ignorance, "All humans care about are themselves! They are materialist, ignorant, self-centered! They kill each other for money; they can't follow the simplest rules that are designed to protect them! We can't hold back! Just like you, I'm trying to same this primitive species, but your way doesn't go far enough! You need to lead them with fear! They don't understand anything else!"

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