Chapter 27

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Earth 1 - Arrow Cave

"Kara..." Kara heard a faint and distorted voice, "Kara."

"*Groan* Five more minutes." Kara mumbled.

"Kara wake up." The voice said much clearer now.

Kara opened her eyes and at first only saw a blurry figure standing in front of her, but as her vision realigned she noticed it was Iris, "Huh? What's happening?"

Kara looked around and noticed that she fell asleep at Felicity's desk. Everyone was back in the Arrow Cave, working hard.

"You've been asleep for hours. What time did you fall asleep last night?" Iris asked.

"I can't remember. I was waiting all night for Barry to come back, must have fallen asleep." Kara said rubbing her eyes.

Somehow this statement from Kara made Iris feel uneasy, she had always known that Barry and Kara where close, but something inside her made her feel mad. She normally wasn't the type to get jealous, she never once felt threatened by any one, but it was different with Kara. It was weird, she was so likable and adorable, but at the same time she felt hostile towards her. At first she thought it was because of her powers. Who would blame her. The woman can fly, is indestructible, and can melt you with a single strike, but that wasn't the case any more after she got to know her a little bit better. To be honest, Iris never really spent time conversing with her, most of the information she ever got about her, was from Barry.

Now on the subject of Barry, she realized how perfectly Barry described her. She was the perfect picture Barry painted her as, not a single detail off, and that didn't sit right with her. She never said this to anyone, but the one thing she disliked about Barry was how much he would talk about her. To most it wouldn't be to noticeable, he had gotten really good at bring up his kryptonian friend in such a casual way that it would fly right under everyone's radar, but not hers. She swore that every time she would hear her name come out of Barry's mouth, her blood pressure would spike for a second, but she could never say anything or she would seem like the crazy jealous girlfriend.

Back to the subject of Kara, she found it very strange to have a slight feel of discomfort around her. Sure she was grateful that Kara came to her aid when she was feeling down about Barry still being away on Earth 38 the other day, and she won't lie when she says that she did help, but she still couldn't shake this feeling. The woman was perfect in every way, she had like no flaws that she could pinpoint her aggression onto, which once again reminded her of Barry. Both were perfect in every way and had no flaws, if you exclude Barry's urge to f**k with the timeline.

She secretly had been observing Kara for a while now, trying to find some sort of flaw that she could use as a reason to turn some of the team against her, sort of how when everyone found out Barry's dirty secret about how he created flashpoint they turned on him. She wanted to get some dirt on her so that she could at least get some people to become more alert and less easily trusting of Kara. She didn't want to kick her out of the extended team, she was way too important to let go, all she really wanted was to show Barry that Kara isn't as perfect as everyone thought. She just wanted to create distance between them. Was that so wrong?

"Oh come on Kara!" Felicity's voice brought Iris out of her train of thought. Felicity picked up her keyboard that Kara had been laying her head on and examined the wet puddle on it, "You drooled over my stuff."

"Oh" Kara said awkwardly and embarrassed, "My bad. I forgot I sometimes do that when I sleep."

"Well I would be mad, if you didn't look so adorable when you did it." Felicity said with a smile, "You still have a little something."

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