chapter one

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Drip drip drip

The sound of blood echoed onto the pavement as a little boy hid from the view of the solders slaughtered the villagers

Screams of pain and fear roared through the skies as adults were killed and children were turned into orphans

A small boy watched in horror as his parents were beheaded

Drip drip drip

Blood srained the walls of the small village as the solders that were supposed to protect them kept on with their blood bath

At the front of this massacre was their so called king

He watched as innocent people were killed

Houses were burned and crops with barely enough food for the villagers was stolen and cut down

Soon the place went silent as innocent children hid from the attackers

The solders left as they walked away from the bloodied village

Drip drip drip

The moon hid the village and the horrors it now fell victim to

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