chapter eight

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Johan was looking out the winfow of the building as his wounds were almost healed

He knew he had to return to his castle soon but he just couldnt think of leaving judai behind

He remembered how the rebel saved his life and sighed as he walked away from the window and headed outside to find judai

Judais pov

It was tume to take johan back to the castle and then take over the kingdom but what would happen to the ptince once him and his father were dethroned

Would he be killed or exiled

Both.of those options sounded horrible. I wouldn't tell anyone but i have come to like the prince. He is different from what I've heard or witnessed but i job is a job and this is for the best fot all of us

Suddenly.i heard a small voice behind me and saw johan. My.heart skipped a beat but i knew i couldnt get attached to him.

Mormal pov

Johan looked at judai as he looked out at the kingdom "judai i thimk its time that i go home" said johan

Judai nodded "very well little prince i will walk you to the castle just to make surety you stay safe" said the brown eyed male

As the two headed to the cadtle judai watched johan like a hawk about to devour it's prey as he knew it was almost time to take the kingdom for himself

Hey guys sorry i haven't updated in like forever im just so busy with school as im.about to graduate and go onto college but i should have time to update soon as my.break is near

Well thanks for reading and soon the true dtama will come

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