chapter thirteen

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The lights cut out from the ballroom as the music came to an abrupt stop

Johan looked around as the geusts started to panic and run for safty as the sound of doors breaking and the smell of fire eurupted into the castle

The king snuck away hoping to be unnoticed as he fled from his subjects but he wasnt slick enough as johan saw him

"Father where are you going we have to help everyone out"said the prince

The king looked back at his son"a king has to come out on top no matter who has to be sacrificed in order for it to happen now come johan"he said as he started to run down a hidden passage

Johans eyes widened at his fathers words as he looked around himself. The fire was growing as he saw people runnibg down the stairs and jumping out of windows in an attempt to flee

But the prince couldn't see judai antwhere and hoped he was out safley

Judais pov

I smirked to myself as i watched the castle burn down from a distance. Asuka came to my side as she looked at him.

"Fibuki said the king fleed away down a tunnel to protect himself"she said

Judai scoffed at that"i knew he would hes nothing but a coward also tell your brother he did a good job with gettibg close to the king now to go deal with the little prince" he laughed as he knew johan was looking for him

Normal pov

Johan was running around the castle as he searched for the brunette

He paniced as he thought the male was burned by the flames or was trampled by the fleeing guests

Suddenly he heard a cough and realized it was judai

Johan followed the sound of the male and found him in a corner curled up as the flames got closer

The prince went up to the male"judai ive been looking everywhere for you we have to get out of here"said the blue haired male as he helped his friend up to his feet

Judai groaned a little as he slowly stood up "j-johan where is your father why are you still here"he coughed as the two headed down the secret passage where johans father was

Johan looked at him "i couldnt leave you out here you saved me and now i had to save you"he said as the two walked down the passage

Judai looked around as he noticed shadows behind them knowing they were some of his soilders the male walked with johan making sure the prince disnt see his arsenal

Once the two came to a clearing they saw the king as johan went up to him

"Father i brought judai with me i couldnt leave him" johans father eyed judai as he stood on his pedestal "judai how did you like the ball and our last meeting"he said

Judai didnt say anything as he lookednat the two as the noise behind him grew louder

Johan looked at judai in fear"judai get behind me now'he said as he pulled out his sword

Judai let out a laugh as he looked at the shocked prince

"How dense are you your majesty"the bruenette teased as asuka, fibuki and a few more rogues joined the males side

Johan looked at judai in shock"you traitor i trusted you"he screamed at the male

Judai laughed as he looked at the male"you know whats funny you mebtion that johan i once trusted your father to protect my village and he betrayed us" said judai as he glared at the king

Johan was shocked at what he heard"w-what do you mean" he stuttered

Judai hummed as he looked at him"why dont you ask the man you call your father"

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