chapter seven

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It had been a couple days since the fire and johans rescue. Though the prince was doing much better and was nearly fully recovored he felt that he didnt want to return to hia castle at the moment

He was to astonished of the living conditions most of the villagers were forced to edure while he was spoiled and waited on hand and foot. Truth be told the young prince felt ashed of himself for not realizing tbat his people were suffering

Judai saw this in johan and felt a bit of trust in him but it would quickly vanish as he remembered his goals and ambitions. Judai almost felt tempted to tell johan what happened to him but remembered he was his enemy.

The brunette sighed as he knew he would have to get rid of johan when the time came to take over the kingdom but he still hoped he could make the princes death quick and painless.

Sorry if i havent posted in a while ive been busy with graduation and stuff but ill try to be more active

Also sorry for this chapter being so short i promise it will get better and so will my other stories

Till then bye

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