chapter four

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Once asuka got back to the hideout she quickly went in search of the brown haired male

Said male was on the rooftop of one of the crumpled buildings in the kingdom

Asuka panted as she walked up to judai

"Judai i found a way for you to get to johan but it will require some work"she said to the male

Judai looked at her as he stood up

His long black cape blew in the night breeze as his face was hidden in the shdows

"What is it asuka"he said in a deep tone

"A ball is going to be held at the palace a few days from now and at that ball johan will have to choose a lover so if you go you will have a chance to get chose to him"she said

Judai smirked as he looked at her"very good asuka this is why your my right hand man... Well right hand woman but you know"he said as he chuckled

Asuka smiled"but you must get invited to this ball as the gaurds will make it impossible to sneak in"

Judai thought for a moment and hummed"is johan going to be out anyday till the ball"he asked the female

Asuka nodded"he is going to get his new cape from one of the best sewers in the kingdom in a few days"she said

Judai nodded as he looked at the moon

"Good now get your brother i want you two to give our little prince a heated experiance on his little trip and i will be the one to save him then since i saved his life he will be indebted to me and i can get into the palace without a problem"he said to her

Asuka nodded"lets wait to ambush a while after the ball so you can gain his trust"

Judai smirked"you are a mindreader we will get things set up at dawn but for now go rest "he ordered

Asuka nodded and left to go inside leaving judai alone

Said male sighed as he looked at the moon in thought

His brown eyes held sadness and trama as he remebered the day he lost his family to the king

I'm coming for you johan

You and your followers better watch out as im bringing you a bloodbath that you will never escape from

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