Chapter twelve

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Johan walked down the staircase to the ball as many threw their single daughters at him in hopes that one of them would be able to capture the pince's attention. Each attept was in vain as johan walked past each female as he headed towards a certain brown haired male.

Judai stood at the balcony as he looked up at the night sky. Johan stood beside him and smiled.

" I hope you feel comferable here judai"said the joyful prince as the rouge looked back at him.

Judai stared at him as his brown eyes locked onto emerald ones

"Where is your father johan i would luke to speak to him"said the male as he turned away from the male

Johan smiled as he stepped back a little"he is in his throne room, come i will take you to him"stated the nieve prince.

Judai nodded as he followed behind the blue haired male,unknown to johan, judais army had blended in with the crowd of nobels as they awaited for judais signal to attack.

Judai smiled a little as he saw the king on his throne. "Well thank you for making my thone warm for me" stated the brown haired male as he stared at the king as he walked up to him.

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