Chapter fifteen

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It was silent as the prince stared down at his father with hatred, disgust and pain.

The king looked up at his son as judai and asuka stood behind him

"As king I had to do what I thought would benefit the kingdom"he started but then was cut off by Johan who shook with adrillelen and anger

"You thought you were benefiting the kingdom. How does that justify the fact that you destroyed and killed an entire village of innocent people" the princes panted as judai looked at him a little surprised from his outburst

The king stared at him"oh Johan you dont understand yet my boy, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to make the kingdom stronger, besides that village wasn't doing much for the economy anyway"he said as he looked at judai

Judais eyes widened as he took out his sword ready to attack but was stopped as the sound of running came through the hidden passageway

Soon soldiers trapped the rogues as the king chuckled

"Come Johan let's forget all this happened and go back to the castle where you belong"he started as he made an attempt to grab Johan but then stopped in his tracks as the prince drew out his own sword

"No father I am.not running away from the problems that you coused"he stated

The older male scoffed as he looked at his son"johan stop this right now these fellas will pay with their pathetic lives for betraying us"he said as the soilders grabbed onto the rogues

Johan pulled away as he backed away from the king"i am not going with you, I've learned all about the messed up things you and our family have done to the kingdom and how you treated the poor and villagers now I will stand up for them like a true ruler and if I die today because of it I know I will die knowing I tried to make a change for them"he said as he stood tall

Everyone in the room was silent as they were shocked by the prince's speech

The king scoffed"fine then have it your own way if you will not stand with me then you will die with them"he smirked as he raised his arm to signal his gaurds to kill the rogues and prince but no one made an attempt to move as the gaurds looked at Johan then at his father

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