chapter six

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Judai  looked down at the uncauncuous prince as he laid on a makeshift bed they had in the abandoned buildings they hid at

Judai scoffed as he moved the princes face to the side with his foot as he didn't want to look at him any longer

The browned eyed male walked a few feet away from the sleeping boy as he looked at him

Becuase of the fire johans clothes were burnt in many places which also caused his skin to burn on his arms and legs

He had a few cuts on his back and legs from him running away from the fire so judai had to treat his wounds and find him some clothes to wear which he already had

Asuka came in "judai the fire was put out by the gaurds but now they are looking for the prince "she said as she gave the male some water

Judai nodded "alright after he wakes up we wull take him back to hus castle"

Asuka nodded and left the room leaving judai alone with the sleeping male

Johan started to move a little as he woke up

Judai walked up to him and looked down at him"hey take it easy little prince"he said in a soft tone

Johan opened his eyes and looked at judai, a look of fear came across his emerald eyes as he backed away from the brunette

"W-who are you" he said as he tried to stand

Judai held him down gently "its alright calm down im not going to hurt you my name is judai do you remember what happened to you"

Johan calmed down a little as he settled onto the makeshift bed

"Um i remeber going to town and then a fire came out of nowhere so i ran and the last thing i remeber before blacking out" he said as he looked at him

Judai moved some of johans hair of his face"you fainted and i saw you so i took you here i know its not a castle but i hope it will do"he said as he helped the prince up

"Also be careful your wounded so i had to bandage you up"

Johan nodded as he hekd onto judai and smiled at him

"Thank you judai for saving my life"he said as he kissed the males cheek gently

Judai blushed a little as he looked at him"yeah um no problem i will help you get to your castle once your strong enough but for now you'll stat here"he said

Johan nodded as he looked around the room noticing how old and run down it was

(Just to guve you guys an idea of how they lived and yes i know its a screenshot )

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(Just to guve you guys an idea of how they lived and yes i know its a screenshot )

Johan looked ar judai in worry"is this how you live judai"

The brunette looked around"you get used to it after a while " he shrugged

"Now come lets get you something to eat" said the male as he helped johan to a small room with food in it

Johan just kept looking around him not realizing just how bad the conditions in the kingdom really were and how his fatger made no atempts to fix them

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