chapter twenty-one

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Cheers echoed through the castle as the kingdom celebrated a momentous occasion.

Johan smiled with pride as he sat on his throne as the new king but what came next for him would change his life and his kingdoms future forever.

For it was now time for the king to choose his queen.

Judai smiled as he watched on with his freinds. It had taken some time for the brunette to recovor but he managed to pull through and knew he belonged when he saw Johan by his side when he woke up. They have come to accept Johan as their king and ruler for they were no longer rogues but true followers of the king.

Everyone became silent as Johans new advisor fibuki walked to the edge of the pedistle that held the two thrones.

"We are gathered here on this beautiful day to celebrate the beginning of a new era for all of our people. We have all suffered for so long and now we are free with king Johan at the head of the kingdom we have nothing to fear"he stated as everyone cheered

Fibuki smiled as he looked at the king"your majesty it is time"he said to the king.

Johan smiled as he stood up from his throne. His long blue cape blew gently behind him. As he reached the front of the room he knew exactly who he wanted as his queen.

"For many years I was oblivious the the terror and struggles you have been forced to endure, I was naive to what my father had done but it took an accident for me to come to realize just how much I needed to step up. Somone told me that he and his followers did not follow our ideals and mindset, at first I didnt understand why but as I got to know him and the true meaning of corruption I finally understood that I needed to bring change"the bluenette announced as the room was silently listening to his speech.

Johan took a deep breath as he continued "I once thought that power and fearfulness were the levelers of being a good king but now I know that kindness and generosity are what truly make a kingdom strong and because of this person who risked everything to teach me that lesson I am here now as a better ruler and freind to my kingdom and so I choose Judai Yuki as my queen and partner in bringing light back to our lands"he proclaimed as everyone cheered for him as judais smiled brightly. His chocolate eyes sparkled as he looked up at the Male and with one phrase he was headed down the aisle to be crowned as queen. The kingdom smiled as judai knelt down on the steps in front of Johan and fibuki.

"Do you judai yuki promise to ensure the saftly, happiness, and life of this great kingdom and to govern the people with fairness and kindness'said fibuki.

Judai smiled as he looked up at them"i do solemnly swear"

Fibuki smiled at his freind as the crown was brought out. The male picked it up and smiled "then it is my honor to pronounce you as our new queen" with that the golden crown was placed on the ex-rogues head.

Johan smiled as he kissed his queen's hand as they walked down the aisle with everyone bowing to them as they walked by. Trumpets and music played as the new rulers walked to the balcony foreseeing the vast kingdom. Everyone cheered in glee and praise as the two smiled down at their people.

As judai waved he looked up at the sky as the clouds cleared allowing the sun to shine onto him. A light breeze went by him as hr knew his parents were watching down at him with pride. Judai looked at Johan and smiled brightly as said Male looked at him and at that moment judai knew he no longer needed to live in fear of the king but instead stand beside him to help bring the lands to a better future.

Memories of his time with his parents came to mind. They would always go and run in the fields, play in the hills and run in the lakes near their village and as judai looked back at the sky he could almost see them smiling down at him.

For our past does not define us but what we choose to do with ir is what truly matters and sometimes life throws you curve balls that bring your plans to a stop and life doesnt have to be a Bloodstained Vengeance.

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