chapter eightneen

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A few hours had passed since the attack on the kingdom. As the flames went down everyone crowded around the castle to see what had happened to the royal family. A figure walked outside to the courtyard as he had somone in his arms. As the sun rose it revealed  prince Johan as he carried a wounded and unconscious judai.

He set the brunette down on a couch as his best medics and doctors tended to the fallen rogue

The king came limping out as the gaurds stood infront of the healing judai

"Johan how could you do this to me your own father"stated the king as he pointed to Johan who was scowling at him

Everyone around them was silent as Johan walked infront of his subjects"you destroyed villages and killed innocent people just to make for land for yourself and when the kingdom needed you what did you do of right you took a secret passageway to escape the attack and let the kingdom burn"said Johan as the people mumbled as they heard what the king has done

His father scoffed"their can always be a new kingdom but their will only be one king"

Johan growled as he stood proud infront of his father"a true king is nothing without his subjects and that's something you never learned and you are here by a threat to my kingdom"he started as everyone gasped in shock

The king scoffed"and what are you going to do"

Johan looked at the wounded judai, his subjects and then his father"you leave me no chance but to banish you"

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