chapter three

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Asuka hid in the shadows of the villege as she made her way to the palace

Omce she got to the gates the female snuck around the back through a garden that led to the back enterance to the castle

She snuck in as she ended up in the main hall of the castle

Asuka looked around then walked around as she searched for anyway for judai to be in the castle without raising supsion

Voices were heard from the throne room and asuka quietly snuck in and hid behind a pillar

She looked out as she saw the king and nect to him was prince johan

Johan was wearing a white button up shirt with a blue sash around it with a green gem on the sife. Along with that he wore black pants with black books also on his right hip was a sharp shord scoured to his side by his belt

Asuka looked at him and smirked"to bad hes pretty he will be gone soon"she whispered

Johans pov

I sighed as i looked at my father. He has been trying to get me to marry for a couple months but i have not found anyone that i felt i connected to

I told my father this and he stated that it isnt about love or connections but about producing an heir to the throne and nothing more

"But father if im going to spend my hole life with this person shouldn't i love them"i said

My father paid me no mind as he walked away"in one week i will be setting a ball and you must find your future bride then produce me an heir"he spat at me as he walked out of the room

I sighed and sat down and the sound of my sword hitting the floor echoed throughout the room

Asukas pov

I warched as the primce was lectured then i realized how judai could get into the castle

I quickly lrft the castle then headed back to the village to tell judai my plan to take out the king and prince and forseek our revenge onto them

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