Chapter 16

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First off sorry I haven't updated in like years a lots been going on and I'm sure yalls know what I mean and this story is almost over I'd say maybe 2 or 3 chapters will be left and I have some new ideas I'm wanting to try out so look out for that

Anyways thanks for the reads and comments guys and sorry I'm not as active as I used to be now enjoy

Everything was silent as the tension in the room mixed with the heat of everyone's breath

Johan looked at each gaurd and then eyed his father "you are leading this kingdom to ruines soon everything will be destroyed and you choose to run and kill from your problems"he said as the gaurds released the young prince

The king stared at his son with anger"you have no idea the troubles of ruling a kingdom come to johan"

Johan scoffed as he walked up to his father"not yet and they will no longer be yours to fathom over, now step down father or else I will fight you for the throne"

The king was shocked at the princes words, had he lost the loyalty of his son to the words of a tongue.

The king scoffed as be walked around his son while the green eyed prince glued hisneyes to the king"must we fought Johan I raised you to be strong and fight for what's yours"

"I am strong and fighting for whats mine, I will not allow you to cower away for you own life while you sacrifice the lives of MY people and MY kingdom"johans eyes held dominance and power as he glared at the king

His father remained silent as no one made a sound, even the winds and fire have died down the volume as the rogues stood back ready to attack

"Fine then I geuss I'll have to show you who's your king"said the man as he lunged his sword at his own son ready to strike at him

Johan growled at as lunged at his father and the two royals fought with grunts and growls from each hit and slash that came in contact with their skin

Johan fell to the ground with a loud thud as he saw his father come at him with a sword. The prince closed his eyes awaiting his death but opened them when he felt no impact. He looked up as he felt a soft breeze only to see judai infront of him, blood splattered in every direction as the young teenager fell to the ground in his own blood.

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