chapter five

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The castle was in a frenzy as the servants were preparing for the ball

Johan was in his bedroom as he was leaving the palace to go get his outfit for the ball messued at an old friends store in the village

Johan smiled at himself as he looked into his mirror"i think this looks alright well now off to get my clothes though i don't know why father inststed on me going out when i could just get it done here but oh well might as well get some fresh air"said the prince as he headed to the village

Johan sighed as he walked through the streets unknown to him that he was being watched

Judai smurked as he stood on the roof of a nearby house as he watched the prince walk

"Asuka nows your chance"saidbthe male as asuka nodded and snuck to the brush near johan and set it on fire

Johans eyes widened as he saw the flames engulf everything in its path

He ran away from the blaze as it went after him in a burning frenzy

Judai smiled as he got off the roof and followed close behund johan ready to take his chanse to get him

Johan coughed as his lungs filled with the smoke but he knew he had to keep going. He looked around and saw a nearby allyway then ran to it in hopes of escape

The bluehaired prince coughed as he stumbled in the dirt soon falling to the ground in exhaustion. As johan lost consciousness the last thing he saw was a brown haired male walk up to him with a concerned look in his eyes then everything went black as he fainted

Hey guys sorry it took so long and sorry if this chapter sucks i promise it will get better and lets see what happens to the prince

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