chapter nineteen

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Everyone was silent as the king looked at his now what he believed to be defiant son.

"Johan you cant banish me I am your father"he hissed as Johan stood tall as judai was taken to go and get healed.

"You have abandoned your people, your kingdom and you have betrayed us for you have now been charged with treason"stated Jesse as everyone whispered amongst themselves

"Let my people and my kingdom be my witness, I here by banish you from these lands and if you dare return the punishment will be death"johan finished as his father looked at him with widened eyes. He growled as he brought up his sword

"I will not allow my son to make a fool out of me"he started as he ran at Johan but was stopped in his tracks by the guards

"You heard his majesty leave now traitor or suffer the consequences"said a guard as the kingdom yelled and ran at the former king.

Johan watched as his father ran off in fear, now knowing the kind of coward he truly was.

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