chapter twenty

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Johan watched in silance as he stood at the peek of a small cliff on his now new borders. His now vanished father was running away in shame and fear as Johan stared down at him.

Soon the former king was out of sight and so with a heavy sigh the young king looked up at the sky. The clouds cleared off revealing the starry sky and moon.

After some time Johan had gone back to the castle as the fire has died down but it would take time for the place and kingdom to become stable again. But instead of relaxing from the events Johan ran to the castles healer knowing he had to make sure judai was alright.

Kinda of a short one but the next part will be longer wont get that up though until the so called maintenance that's happening with wattpad on the 6th hopefully it doesnt log me out because that would be a pain but anyway thanks so much everyone for everything and check out my new story it isnt yugioh but its yaoi but dont worry I still love yugioh and will continue with my stories even though they take forever to update

Alright see yalls later

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