chapter two

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Many years have gone by since the slaughtering of the villages that many people forgot or even turned a blinde eye to the horrific time

Even the king himself turned away from the damage he coused that night

But some people never forgot

They swore to take revenge for the ones they lost

That night was the breaking point that drove them to hate the king and those who felt that what he did was justice and protection

Those same orphans that lost their families now had a resistance against the kingdom

They were feared and roamed the streets as they mourned the death of their people

The leader of this resistance was a nineteen year old boy names judai yuki

His parents were slaughtered in their small cottage as they ate their dinner

Judai started his resistance of orphans and ex-workers of the king as they felt that his majesty was holding a currupted place at the top as he felt he had to avenge those who fell victim to the kings cruelty

"For many years i have suffered the burden of my parents death, their blood stains my body as their screams haunt my momories"said judai as he sat on an old creat outside his make shift home at the end of the small city he lived in

His long time friend asuka was beside him as she looked at the sky

"We all have our stories to tell but what will we do we cant just demand the king for his forgiveness against us "she said as she sat down

Judai thought for a moment as he stayed silent

"Your right but i will find a way and he will be begging for mercy when i have him on his knees"the brown haired male said

Asuka nodded and pat his shoulder

"I am going to the castle to see if their are any forms we can take ill be back soon"she said

Judai nodded as he watched her dissapear into the shadows and head to the castle

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