Chapter 1

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I know this story is dark but i wanted to make this for a long time

"Stop crying goddanmit! Arugh useless brat! Apologize now!" Finland screamed and kicked Ladonia in his chest, knocking the wind out if the boy who was already desperately grabbing his inhailer in his mouth and took a long puff.

He looked at Finland, his blue eyes full of tears and a bruise forming on his cheek from where he was punched by his step father. "I-im sorry! I won't do it again i promise!" He said desperately trying to crawl away. From ths short man looming over him.

Finland noticed how he was trying to get away, "I WANT MY DAD-" Ladonia was cut off, finland grabbed him and through the child's protests slammed him Into the wall. Ladonia was screaming in pain as he was yanked away, "Go to your room! I don't want to see your ugly brused face ang longer!" Tino shouted, the smell of gard liquor radiating off of him. Ladonia limped up the stairs.

Whg did Finland di this? Simple, when ladonia cand down the stairs fifteen minutes prior, he saw Finland nudging sealand to sit on his lap. He knew what was to come next, he didnf want his older brother to deal with that pain.

After getting to the bedroom he cried, bawled and through stuff into a backpack. He had made up his mind, he was running. Hees left a note for sealand in hopes hd might run to, After packing essentials and a first aid kit he took a deep breath and rushed it downstairs.

Finland looked up from reading a book with Sealand, "Hey! Where the fuck are you going?!" He hollered, Ladonia didn't answer, just kept running to the door and rushed out. As he ran he could hear Finland yelling after him  "WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO?!" The drunk fin screached

Those were the last words he heard from finland that night, he hac a point... This was his fault, who would take him?. But he didn't stop running, his emotions kept getting worse and his mind was saying it was all his fault. He was able to hitch hike and in a matter of hours, about 10pm, he was at denmark and Norway's front door.

He sniffled, blood and bruses all over, would they even help?. He knocked, no answer, then he started banging on the door untill Denmark opened up. "WHO THE HE-...Ladonia?!" He looked at the young boy who looked like he crawled out of a war trench. Ladonia started sobbing and hugged him, Denmark brought him inside and looked to Norway on the couch.

"Woah, Ladonia? What's wrong what happened? Nor call Sweden" Denmark said and crouched in front of the boy. "Ladonia, what happened? What are you doing here?" He questioned, notway took out his phone untill Ladonia gasped "NO PLEASE DON'T CALL! DON'T DO IT!" He sobbed.

The two adult nation's looked confused and Norway stepped forward "Ladonia... Did someone in your family do this?"

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