chapter 5

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Berwald finished cooking dinner and set out a plate for Tino on the the table. He got out one for peter and put it on the stairs since he knew Peter normally ate in his room.

He peaked into the living room and saw peter go for the stairs and go up. "Tino, dinner is ready" he said quietly. Finland walked into the room and sat down, without so much as a thank you started eating.

Berwald fiddled with his fork and started eating "so is it?" He asked. Finland looked him dead in the eye and picked up his plate. "It taste like absolute shit!" He hollered and Sweden flinched as a plate collided with the side of his head.


Sealand grimaced as he heard the crashing downstairs. If reminded him of bad times, he shivered and punched at his pillow. He did this for about 15 minutes trying to drown out his papas cries and his fathers shouting. Untill, his phone rang.

He stopped and picked up his cellphone, his hands shaking and his cracked voice answered. "Hello?" He asked, "sealand? Is that you?" Englands voice asked from the other end.

"Hey dad, why are you calling me?" The old fort asked his bio father. "Just...making sure you're okay, I got a bad feeling earlier" he admitted. "Well everything is just fine" he spoke with pride, he couldn't let anyone know his family was falling apart, especially england.

England went quiet "are you sure?, sorry if its intrusive". Sealand stopped, he could already inagings England laughing at him. But what would happen if he didnt tell someone?.

So he hung up.

Denmark was currently shopping, and  noooo he was not in the Lego section. He was in the dairy isle, 2 pounds of butter, 2 containers of cream cheese and a gallon of milk for his protein shakes. What was with this family and dairy?.

Norway sat down in the living room next to ladonia. "Ladonia, want to go out for dinner?" He asked  "um...sure"
Screen this is shit sorry. Also does anyone actually read this? im wondering

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