Chapter 3

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The click of the door could be heard as Berwald walked into his house from his business trip. He spotted his husband on the couch and sealand playing the wii. He'd felt a bad feeling since last night and waved "Hello Tino and Peter" he smiled slightly seeing the two smile back.

"Hello Berwald! Welcome home babe" Finland laid down on the couch. Sweden glanced around for Abit "...hey where's Erland?" He asked. The room fell silent even Peter paused his game to see what lie his father would make this time.

"He ran away" Finland put blankly. Sweden stopped, "Tino what did you do?" His voice grew hushed. "Nothing Berwald, now are you making dinner?" He avoided the question.

Sweden marched over "where is my kid finland?" Anger dripped from his words. "I beat his ass and he couldn't take it so he ran, probably in Oslo" Finland glared.

"And if you don't want your ass beat i suggest you go into the kitchen and make dinner" he threatened. Berwald took a step back "Fin did-" "Did I stutter?! G O" Finland grew angry and Berwald obliged, quickly rushing into the kitchen.

Sealand frowned, he'd noticed Finland getting more angry especially with his dad. Hs dudnt want to be here anymore. It hurt to be in the place he called hom

Berwald felt like crying, what happened? It used to be so perfect and peaceful the home. Just him and his family, but things were different now. When he got home Peter and Erland would be playing a Game or being yelled at because of something and he couldn't do a single thing about it.

Well he could, but he was scared, what would Finland do to me? Was often a question in his mind. But this wasn't his Finland anymore, this was like a different person.

IM SORRY, I love Finland he's a great character but I needed a bad guy and instead of writing "Cocoa and campfires" witch was suppsed to be Danish slaughter house but with finland i wrote this ;-; but i like it so far

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