Chapter 11

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Finland got off Sweden "I'll deal with you later whore" the gin smell leaving his lips as he snapped to Sweden to get the door. Finland paced downstairs with his pounding boots and straightened up his shirt as he opened the door and smiled "Hi Norge! How have you been?" He asked trying to put on a smile. Oh how Norway wanted to smack it off his face.

Norway crinkled his nose at the smell of hard liquor and cigarettes radiating off Finland's clothing. "Hi fin, just came over to talk with ya about some things that happened a few days ago, can I come in?" He asked.

Finland glanced behind him at the empty cans and bottles scattered about the room.  "Uh I guess you can come in, sorry about the mess" he said stepping aside. Norway came on the house and his expression dropped, it was worse than he thought. "Fin, where is sweden?" He asked.

Finlands eyes widened  "hes not here right now" he said. Norway quirked am eyebrow "where is he then". Sweden fumbled down the stairs, shielding his black eye and headed straight for the kitchen. Norway looked at him "Berwald come here!" He hollered. Sweden shuffled into the room with his head down. "Hello norway" he said quietly.

"Hello berwald" he said with a tinge of guilt to his voice, why didnt he come sooner? Why has he only half believed ladonia?. Then something hit him "Guys, where is sealand?" He questioned and he saw the anger grow on finlands face "yeah berbear  where is he?" Finland questioned.

Sweden looked scared and silent, his eyes looking back and forth from Finland to norway, finland wouldn't hurt him with Norway here right?. "Um he went to England, for a visit to his dad, you know how that is" he spoke and fiddled his fingers.

"Bull, ladonia was worrying about him all day yesterday, where is he?" He asked. Sweden bit his lip and could feel Finlands eyes on him "hes in england, I bought him a ticket to go you can ask England!" He blurted out.

Finland turned to sweden "Oh? So you tell him and not me? Why is this berbear? Dont you love me?" Finland questioned him. Sweden teared up "no fin it was just a question okay? Of course I love you" He shook in his boots. Norway felt disgusted, love wasn't supposed to be like that.

"Finland I want to speak to  Sweden alone" Norway demanded. Finland grumbled, if he said no it would be suspicious but if he said yes sweden would blab.

Norway took berwald by the arm and to another room where he promptly locked the door. "Sweden what the hell, what's wrong what's going on-". Sweden put a hand on his mouth "shut up, Tino is only doing what he thinks is okay hes not hurting me I swear" he teared up and put a hand over his swollen black eye. "Please I don't want him to go away I don't want to be alone again I can't, I can't do it" his voice shook with every word.

"But what about your kids Sweden?! Finland fucking raped your son and you not doing anything about it?!" He said in anger. Sweden flinched back but soon looked abit angry and sad. "Wait, he what? He-he promised he wouldn't hurt the kids! He told me if he got what he wanted from me he wouldn't touch them!" He shook.

Norway crossed his arms "so he was hurting you?" He said. Sweden was quiet "Finland loves me, he only hit me a few times!" He swore feeling conflicted.  Berwald he still hit you! He hurt your kids! Open your eyes!" He shook his shoulders.

"I'll talk to him" sweden wiped his tears and straightened up before opening the door where an activated Finland was waiting "well?-". "You promised Finland, you promised you wouldn't hurt the kids!" His voice shook. "You monster... I never knew this side of you, your not the man I love...I dont think I can do this anymore". (Quote from the-other-sea-turtle on tumblr)

Finland crossed his arms "hes lying I would never do that to a child Berbear-". "Dont give me that shit! When you dont come to bed smelling like alchohol you smell like cum! Ladonia has been so upset lately it all makes sense! You touched my son Finland!" He screamed.

Norway was taken aback, he hadn't seen this anger awake in sweden since viking times. Sweden grabbed his other hand and pointed to his wedding ring "you see this?! You see this ring?!" He ripped it from his finger "this will not come back on untill you get help!".

Finland took a step back "I don't need help! I dont need help so stop it!" He screamed back. Norway grabbed Sweden's arm "you get outside to the neighbors all call the police" he said.

Sweden teared up and as he rushed for the door he turned to his husband "I love you Tino but I  cant love you right now, not like this". He rushed to his neighbors house.

Tino glared at Norway "Look what you did". Norway raised his arms "Me? Do I look like I beat the hell out of my husband?! Do I look like I put my dick in my stepson?! You did this and your upset you got caught!".

"And then Hutt said they were roommates! And that's the story of how Hutt river was a temporary nun" sealand laughed. England smiled and ruffled his hair "you kids have allot of fun huh?" He asked, a slight tilt.

Sealand nodded "yeah there pretty good friends, are you like that with some nations?" He asked innocently. England frowned "well, some yes, mostly my brothers and ex-colonies though" he sighed. Sealand frowned and went to get his pizza rolls from the oven "Well, you do have allot of ex-colonies and allot of ex's in general so atleast you have people" sealand chimed trying to lighten the mood.

England laughed "Very right you are my boy, I have Canada, you, Australia, New Zealand, Seychelles  and all the grandkids" he sighed "Being such a Great Britain is tiring but someone must do it".

Sealand's hand shot up from the pan "Hot hot hot! Jesus fucking christ goddamn it bloody hell!" He screamed out. England looked over to him in fear, the heck caused him to swear like a sailor- oh.

"Hey language ya shithead where the fuck did you learn that?" England snapped and went to pick up the pan with oven mitts. "You and France duh" he rolled his eyes washing his hand in cold water.

"We're not the best people to take from okay?" He told him. Sealand muttered under his breath "yeah taking from you would be the worse thing I could do" he sat down with his plate and some ranch.

England sat across from him "jeez, why is that?" He asked. "Well because, England" he went abit quiet. "Were you scared to grow up?" He asked looking up at him. England raised an eyebrow "well, nations dont have an age really". Sealand shook his hands "no no not like that, like physical age, when I'm fifteen if I inherited the gene from you I might be schizophrenic" he blurted out.

England dropped his pizza roll onto his plate "is that what your scared of? Sealand I'm glad that were living in a time where people know it's a mental illness and dont think your just insane, they have pills and medicine for that now" he spoke sympathetically.

England knew that fear, he remembered when he was around seventeen in human age when he saw his first hallucinations and started hearing voices. He guessed sealand must have read up on this when england told him what his pills were for.

Sealand frowned "you just seemed so scared! I dont like it I don't want to see those things!  I don't want to see it!" He cried out.

England reached over and put a hand on his shoulder "Peter if it does happen it's not the end of the world I swear, it will be alight, how about a change of conversation hm?" He asked "anyplace you want to go while your here in London? Maybe Lonfinz house?".

Sealand hugged england "well there is one place, can we go to the park by the graveyard?" He asked. England knew why he wanted to go to that park by that graveyard, he knows. "Sure sweetheart go get your coat".

"Erland look I cant afford a car my taxes are literally making it hard to breath, get on the bicycle" Denmark said for the tenth time.

"I cant ride it okay?!" Erland yelled. Denmark poured "well you will learn when we get home, ride on my handlebars then" he told the boy as he climbed up and off they went to Walmart or the Norwegian equivalent of a walmart .
Sorry for the long wait guys!!

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