Chapter 13

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It hurt  like hell.

Norways head felt like it was going to explode. He remembered calling the police and being wacked in the head with the butt end of finlands shotgun he kept in the closet. He  remembered falling to the ground a couple kicks to his side with the fins steal toed boots. He could see everything in a blurr when the police arrived and dragged Finland away from him. He remembered the icepack applied to his forehead and walking out as the other was taken away in cuffs.

Berwald went up to the car window despite everyone telling him not to. "Tino, when you get better, come back to the nordics and we'll see what we-" Berwald jumped back as Finland started screaming at him again. "FUCKING WHORE I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THE KIDS LIAR" Finland screamed.

Sweden went back to Norway nearly in shambles trying to hold it together. "Hey dont cry let's just" he paused "Sweden you're coming home with me, alright? You're safe now he cant hurt you" he spoke in a comforting manner. Sweden went into the house and packed his things and snatched up hana, soon getting into Norways car

Sweden didn't say much on the ride to  Oslo. Neither did Norway, they were very quiet people. Not to mention the fact they were both screaming internally.


"What do you mean He gets my room he can sleep on the couch! That's MY room!" Iceland argued with Denmark.  "Ice he is your little cousin kinda brother, I swear I WILL BUILD YOU A BUNK BED DONT TEST ME" Denmark shook his finger at the other.

"For now you will have to share untill we can figure something else out, Norway's on the way with Sweden, poor guys sleeping on the couch" Denmark admitted. Iceland came and went as he pleased. It usually wasnt an issue, but no one had informed Iceland that ladonia moved until his bedroom.

Ladonia stopped complaining and a mix of emotions hit him. "Wait, Sweden is coming, is finland away?" He asked. Iceland rolled his eyes "Great just great why are sve and finny coming? Are they bringing seabrat?" Iceland hadn't been told of the situation yet.

"Wait Finland is coming?! I thought you said he was going to be far away!" His breathing heavied and he shook I. A panic. Denmark shook his head "no no no sweetheart hes not coming sweetheart hes in jail now" he crouched next to him glaring at Iceland trying to calm ladonia.

"Jail, excuse me did you say jail? Denmark you better explain what's happening right now-" he stopped talking seeing how ladonia was begging for Finland not to come "no no I dont want to see him dadmark I don't want to"

It took abit but he calmed and sat in the couch with his headphones on and listened to some good old nicole Dollanganger and kimya dawson music as Denmark took Iceland to another room to explain to him the hell was going on.

"Holy shit, I need to get off my island more often" he face palmed. "You do, you really do, maybe you and I could go on a bike-" "No" Iceland cut denmark short. He knew the man loved "Father son bonding" and hell he was like a dad or mother to Iceland since he and Norway practically raised him. Hs still remembered how he used to call denmark his momma and Denmark would try to tell him "No, I'm dada".

"But I have the tandem bike!" Denmark protested. "I'm going to ho cook up something for dinner" Ice said ignoring the other and leaving the room to the kitchen where he started making a fish stew type thing.

"Sweden are you hurting anywhere?" Norwag asked making a stop at a gas station. "Mh... just my back but that's normal" he grunted and shifted in his seat again continuing to pet the sleeping dog in his lap. Norway had noticed how uncomfortable he looked and even handed him a pillow at one point.

Norway grabbed some junk food for the ride and got back in his place at the drivers seat. As he continued to drive there aere the normal questions of "hows is Ladonia?" "Have you heard from sealand?" "Whats the weather like?" And "Hows icey?". All of which Norway answered in detail.

Soon they arrived at the house, two bikes now chained to the fence and the ominous tandem leaned against the tree in the front. Norway grabbed Swedens bag and tried to reassure him Ladonia wasn't mad at him no one was. Soon the entered the house. Oh my God.

Paint covered banners covered nearly every wall with "Welcome!" And balloons dangled from the ceiling. Confetti was everywhere, on the floor, on the rugs, on the walls, and of  course all over the three that caused the mischief.

"Hey norgay, swedish fish, did you guys have a good drive?" Iceland asked trying to hold in his laughter as he put a party hat in the dog that lay in swedens arms. "Mhm good trip" he replied.

Ladonia stared at Sweden with an indescribable emotion planted on his face. Sweden put down the pupper and ladonia rushed up to hug him "your okay your okay I knew it! I knew you'd be okay!" He cheered. Sweden teared up and held his child "course I' okey, are ya okey?" He asked. Ladonia nodded happily "Norway and denmark take good care of me here!" He chimed.

As the two had there reunion Norway walked to Denmark "you will be cleaning this up Matt" he scolded. "I know but Lad and Icey had so much fun doing it I had to help out" he laughed. Norway rolled his eyes "Stupid dane".

"Mom dinners ready get everyone in here!" Iceland called out. Denmark pouted and looked to Norway "hes calling you" nor said in amusement as everyone was dragged into the kitchen to sit.

They talked about this and that, retelling stories and such and laughing the night away. Even sweden was enjoying his time there.

"Here lad" denmark said handing ladonia a can of beer. "Matt no, hes a growing child!" Sweden argued. Denmark raised an eyebrow "well a growing boy needs two then!" He cheered and Sweden quickly took the alcoholic drink away from his boy who was happily eating some cream cheese and pea pods.

Iceland talked about how he, Lichtenstein and Latvia managed to create a barn fire. Sweden talked about his trade deals, denmark and ladonia talked among themselves about legos and Norway fanboyd about the new tinkerbell movie announcement.

It was about one in the morning when everyone went to bed. Bellies full and happy thoughts in there heads.
2-3 more chapters guys! Ah I feel so accomplished. I gotta go finish my schoolwork now tho

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