Chapter 10

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Norway rolled his eyes as the child and manchild dragged him into the photo booth. Cotton candy stuck to his face as Denmark got him to smile for the photo.

They took a few goofy photos, some included bunny ears, swapping shirts ect. As they got out they looked over there photos and giggled.

"You guys look ridiculous!" Ladonia laughed pointing to the one where Denmark was struggling to get Norway's shirt on. Denmark pointed to one where ladonia was wearing Norway's hat and it wouldn't fit.

Norway turned to Denmark "hey can I borrow your coat?...I didnt know it was so snuggly" he fiddled with his fingers. Denmark laughed and put it over him as ladonia cooed "awe look at the happy couple!" He laughed.

Norway ruffled his hair "c'mon goofball let's go to the Kamakazi!" Norway ruffled ladonias hair and pointed to the ride that went upside down in a circle.

Denmark looked horrified "hell no you guys are NOT going on that death trap!". The two looked at Denmark dumbfounded, king of the north, an ex viking and sailor was afraid of a carnaval ride!. They looked at another with devilish grins and grabbed his hands. "Okay, we all are going" Norway laughed.

Denmark screamed "No you cant make me! I wont do it! YOUR NOT MY MOM" he yelled. Norway shook his head "I ain't your mommy but you can call me daddy if you want". Ladonia made a disgusted face "guys!". Denmark laughed and kissed norways cheek.

They ended up going, Denmark screaming his head off the whole way and Norway having to hug him when they got off. Ladonia started to play a game on his phone as everyone sat down with there snow cones.

Denmark yawned "its late can we go home already?" He whined. Norway looked at his watch, seeing the time was 11 he looked at ladonia and Denmark picked up the now sleeping child.

They traveled back home and tucked ladonia in before going to there own room. "Hey Dickmark" Norway said climbing into bed. "Yeah Nor?" Denmark asked, rolling over in the bed. "Ever think of...what it would be like? To have kids in the house again?" He asked quietly.

Denmark felt a grin apear on his own face and a jolt of excitement hit him, how about we play abit cold hm?. "I dont know Nor, kids are allot of work, pretty annoying too, and sticky" he smirked. Norway sat up "what?! I thought you loved kids? We have a fucking Lego room in the basement!" Norway looked applaud.

"I like them, as long as they dont mess up my legos, I'm just messing, we have Ladonia dont we?" He asked rolling over. Norway frowned in the dark "hes Sweden's kid Denmark, and we cant adopt a human, you remember how broken France was when that daughter he had got murdered" he explained.

Denmark frowned "yeah...humans arent a good idea" he scooted closer and let Norway hug his back. "I hope this all gets fixed soon" hs muttered. "Well, I'm going over to talk to Sweden tomorrow" Norway told him. Denmark sat up "what?! Oh hell no your not" he squeaked. "Yes I am Denmark, you'll stay with the kid and I'll go" he told his husband.

"How the hell are you going to get from here in Norway up to sweden?!" Denmark's voice shook. "Denmark calm down, its going to be fine, I'll just go by and do a wellness check, just calm down" he put his hand on denmark's side and got him to lay back down.

Denmark cuddled into norways arms "okay...okay I'll calm down, goodnight babe" he closed his eyes. "Goodnight".


Denmark woke up alone in his bed, Denmark got up and took a cold shower and went to go make some tea and toast. He started boiling some water when Ladonia walked downstairs. "Morning daaaaaad... denmark" he said.

Denmark giggled "awh morning Lad, how did you sleep?" He asked. "It was great! You?" He grabbed some leftovers from the fridge and sat at the table, soon followed by Denmark. "I barely slept, to worried about Norway" he admitted. Denmark never seemed like it but he worried for his family, especially his husband allot.

Ladonia didnt understand "why? I'd he sick?" He scooted his chair. "No, um...he went to your house" he spoke quietly.

Ladonia looked horrified "He did WHAT?!"

knock knock knock could be heard through the house. "Finland! Get the hell out here!" Norway hollered.

Thank you for reading! Were almost at the end guys!

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