chapter 8

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Denmark grabbed his coat "fucking aurgh! Norway give me the car keys!" He stamped his feet. Norway shook his head "Denmark I understand that you are angry but please take this cautiously, if we dont some kind could get hurt stupid dane" he said.

"Do you think I'm going to just let this slide?! He raped my nephew Norway!" He yelled. "Hes my nephew to! You have no idea how much I wanna beat the hell out of sweden for not doing anything but we need to calm down" he said trying to be rational.

A thought hit Denmark "what if Sweden is being abused to?" He shivered at the thought of his brother being hit. Norway rolled his eyes "oh please Sweden was probably in on it, you see the size of that man? He couldnt be hit even if finny tried". Denmark stopped and looked at Norway with a hurt look.

"How...Norway you need a check up from the neck up, large men can be abused to, even if hes really tall, hes sensitive and probably wouldn't fight back" Denmark walked into the kitchen without another word.

Ladonia was upstairs shivering under the bed. He'd been hearing the yelling, not knowing what it was about, were they fighting like Sweden and Finland?.

The yelling stopped and he slowly crawled out from under the bed. He sat on it and started texting his buddy kugelmugel. How was sealand? Was he okay or hurt?....did Finland touch him to?.

"Denmark I'm sorry-" "no just shut up I don't want to talk to you right now" Denmark shook his head and cut off Norway.  "I don't understand why your so defensive about this" Norway shook his head. Denmark shot him a glare "you remember when I had that girlfriend a long time ago? She would hit me and I couldn't bring myself to hit back norway" he looked to him with a saddened look.

Norway looked, shocked, Denmark was so strong, how could someone hurt him?. "Denmark..." he said sadly and walked over to him. Denmark turned around and hugged the other "I shouldn't have gotten mad I'm sorry" Denmark sobbed. Norway shook his head "I'm sorry I should have known better" Norway mumbled. They looked at eachother before kissing and pulling away.


Sealand say at the bus station in London, his phone to his ear as England picked up. "Arthur Kirkland speaking" he said, sealand quietly spoke "d-dad....please come get me, im at the bus station" he pleaded and hung up.

England froze, sealand was at the bus stop, sealand was begging for help... dear god who hurt him?!. He threw on his coat and rushed outside to get his keys.

England drove through the city, nearly crashing his car a few times before finnaly spotting the little boy. He pulled up and rushed out of his car before hugging sealand who broke into tears "dad, can I stay at your home for awhile?" He asked tearfully. England didnt understand what happened but rubbed the child's back "of course Peter, of course".

Peter stopped moving and crying, England pulled away and saw the child eyes staring off into space. England bit his lip and shook him "Roughs? Sealaand are you-" sealand started screaming his head off and clung to him. "Oh god...not again, it's okay you're not getting hurt peter" he said softly and held him.

Sealands screams and cries caught the attentuon of a few people and England was tapped on the shoulder by a man "Sir is he okay?" He asked. "He will be" he said as his screams and cries turned into whimpers. England picked him up and went to the car. "Let's go roughs"

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