chapter 6

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When Denmark got home he put away the dairy products in the fridge, and the garage fridge...and the deep freeze.

"Uncle Denmark! Get dressed up were going out to eat!" Ladonia said excitedly as Denmark came back in from the garage. "Oh? We are?" He asked and looked at Norway who nodded with a barely noticeable smile.

"Oh I guess we are! Yay!" He chimed and ran upstairs to go find a dress shirt. Ladonia raised an eyebrow "mr Norway where are we going? I've only been to bars" he admitted. Norway tapped his nose "you'll see me stop asking so many questions".

Denmark basically rolled down the stairs and looked at the two. "Norge where are we going?" He asked. Norway grabbed his car keys "follow me and I'll show you" he smirked.

Soon enough they reached a weird obscure Chinese restaurant. "Behold, the place of low prices, I love this place" Norway spoke and got out of the car.

"'re joking right? Please be joking..." Denmark begged, just examining the building it looked dirty. Norway glared "are you making fun of my favorite restraunt? Do I have to bring up El pasta?" He glared. Denmark looked down "fine let's go" he muttered.

Soon enough they had been seated and started looking at the menu. Ladonia squirmed in his seat and looked at the menu, frowning when he saw how big the portions were. "I'll just get noodles and lemon chicken, Norway wanna split it?" He asked and Norway nodded "add in some sweet and sour chicken" he poked.

Ladonia got excited when he saw they had peapod on the salads "can I just get peapods? Please?" He asked excitedly. Norway raised an eyebrow "just peapods? No noodles or anything?" He asked. Ladonia nodded "yeah just pea pods" he said as the waitress came over.

They ordered all there food and started talking. They were in a public place, he couldn't run away to his room here. "So...that black eye huh? How are you holding up?" Norway asked.

Ladonia stiffened up and shook his head. "I'm alright now" he lied and slipped from his water glass. "If any of your cuts open up tell me and I'll patch you up" Denmark sipped his Pepsi. "Okay denmark" ladonia mumbled and waited with Norway and denmark.

They had there food and were nearly finished when someone finally talked again. "Ladonia, Finland did this? Has hs changed at all?" Norwat asked bluntly. "...yeah, and yeah hes changed, can we just stop talking about this? I'm tired" he finished the rest of his pea pods.

Denmark wrote out a check and placed it on the table "yeah let's go!" He stood up, Denmark did not like this place at all.

"Fine fine we can go" Norway and the others walked out and went home. It was nearly 9:30 by the time they were home.

They sat on the couch together and re-watched an episode of Once Apon A Time.

It was now 10:37 and everyone seemed tired. Denmark reached over ladonia to wrap an arm around Norway. The boy gasped and jumped, looking behind him at Denmark with a terrified Expression.

Denmark removed his arm and laughed "sorry I scare you?" He chuckled. Ladonia frowned and pushed him slightly "wa- NO I wasnt scared!" He declared defensively. "I'm going to bed" he marched upstairs.

Denmark frowned "Did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly. "No, puberty makes boys really sensitive" Norway huffed and got up 'I'll get ready for bed, see If ladonia wants to sleep in our room" Norway walked upstairs.

"Huh, maybe he would feel safe" Denmark mumbled and walked up to ladonias room. He remembered the days Iceland would beg to sleep in his and norways bed because of nightmares.

The light was off and Denmark slowly opened the door. Ladonia stayed completely still, on the verge of tears as he clenched his legs tightly together. Denmark wouldn't do this to him right?.

He remembered that night, when sealand was away Finland came in his bedroom, and made him do things... things that hurt him and made him cry. Made him touch things he didn't want to touch. Ladonia,wasnt innocent, he knew what rape was, he knew what molestation was. But he couldn't tell anyone.

Denmark crept up behind him and pounced to tickle his ribs "aha tickle monster had you-" he recieved a harsh kick to the face as ladonia let out a terrified scream "NO NO PLEASE NO DONT, please not again!" He cried.

Norway rushed into the room and Denmark stopped tickling him "what happened? Ladonia are you okay?" Norway asked softly. Ladonia gained back his grip and nodded "yeah I'm fine".

FINNALY A LONG CHAPTER, I met a friend who really helped me develop this plot. Please i need feedback and what do you think? if you can please comment

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