Chapter 15 a conclusion

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Tino tapped his foot against the ground glaring at his lawyer "I didn't do it" he spat at his feet. The lawyer stepped back from the cuffed man. "Look Tino I'm trying to lighten your sentence as it is, all you need to do is admit to your crimes and tell us why you did what you did". Tino thrashed around like a five year old who had just been told to throw his blocks away. "Why am I being accused by those liars?! My government will help me out here damn it!" He screamed.

"Actually, Mister Finland, I talked to your president and he seems revolted by your actions, we cant give you a life sentence since you literally cannot die, even though you lived in Stockholm Sweden you were a finnish citizen on your ID which means laws are similar but slightly diffrent" the lawyer sat across the table from him. "Your crimes which you have been accused of are nonconsensual sex with your spouse, and several accounts of sexual assault and molestation of a minor, and many accounts of domestic violence and abuse" just saying those words made the lawyers stomach turn. Finland glared "They're lying, I never laid a hand on them!".

"You may say that in the courtroom, I need to go prepare for the trial" the tall Afghan stood and left the room.

"I can't see him Norway I just cant do it please" Sweden pleaded as Norway tried to calm him down in the men's bathroom. "Look Sverge if you don't testify Finland goes free, and you know what happens next? He'll find someone vulnerable and hurt them, he needs help in his head and deserves to go to prison for what he did" Norway said hugging the weeping man.

A tall man walked into the restroom to see the two, hearing abit of there chat he realized these was the people he'd have to defend that monster against. Norway shot him a glare "cam we help you?" He asked.

The man shook his head "Um no sorry I'll go use the other restroom" he said and rushed off out of the restroom and down the hallway. As his high leather boots clicked against the tiles he came upon two pairs of men and boys. The boys were hugging eachother and babbling to eachother rapidly while the two men were talking off to the side.

He recognized there pictures and the way Finland had described the two boys. He felt guilty, they looked so young. He turned back around to go to the restroom and tried to clear his mind from knowing that he was defending a monster.

"I missed you so much Erland! I've done so much these past three months!" Sealand beamed hugging his younger brother tightly. Ladonia gripped on tightly to the other "I've missed you to brother" he gleamed.

Denmark and England were off to the side talking about what had been happening. "How has sealand been during this all?" Denmark asked. "Well hes been getting better, hes still scared sometimes when he forgets his medication but hes so much happier" England smiled fondly.

Wanting to wait to talk about this business when they had to during the court case. Denmark brought up a different topic "So, heard about Wy, that's gotta be rough huh?" He asked. England paused "yeah, Aussis is thinking about sending Hutt rive to a human school" England explained. Denmark rolled his eyes remembering the edge lord Iceland became. 

"Sealand felt horrible when I told him, little guy cried, shes like a cousin to him even though technically he'd be her uncle" England sighed and walked with Denmark to the vending machines so he could get gummy bears. "Yeah, Lad and Icey were pretty shaken up when I told them, and he us just a babysitter to her" Denmark offered some gummies which England swiftly took.

England grabbed a coffee and looked to his watch "Well, Sealand and I went suit shopping two days ago, I even let him come to the isles meeting" the corners of his mouth grinned looking the kid over. Denmark raised an eyebrow and looked at him "oh, didnt notice that, he looks allot like you in that" he told him. England smiled proudly "He does doesn't he".

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