Chapter 14

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"How about this one?" England asked pulling a little blue tuxedo from the rack. Sealand looked it over and shook his head. "I dont like the buttons" he claimed. England gave it a look "hm, well lets keep looking then, c'mon look over in your size then" he told the boy and sealand went off.

After about an hour of looking they found it. A dark navy blue tux with golden buttons, picked out a light blue bowtie and a pair of black dress shoes. Sealand stood proud in the changing room before rushing out to show England. "Look england! Doesn't ot look awesome?!" He asked with a large grin on his face.

"You look....Radical sea!" England said being one with the cool kidz. Sealand frowned "please I beg dont ever say radical again" he pleaded. "What? I'm just being one with the kool Kidz" he finger gunned. Sealand shook his head.

They bought the tux and got back in the car. "Thanks dad, sorry its so last minute" sealand apologized. "I couldn't bring many clothes with me when I, ya know" his voice became quiet as England drove. "I know sweetheart, but that was three months ago, are you excited for your first official British isle meeting? England asked, having to put official because the razcal snuck in all the time

Sealand shook his fists "I'm super bloody excited! Its been forever since I saw uncle Wales!" He cheered. England continued driving "I think ireland is bringing your cousin Nannath along aswell, isn't he a micronation too?" England questioned.

(Credit for this oc goes to FandomOChoarder guys this is the best Elf ever)

Sealand grinned from ear to ear "Nann is coming? I must look my best then!" Hs chimed.

The two dressed rather classy, even if they were just going to a small business meeting. England even let Sealand use some hair gel and slicked there hair back.

England smiled with pride as he looked in the passenger seat at his side. "Ya know Peter, your becoming a fine young lad, I'm proud of you" his shoulders relaxed, but soon tightened when he heard crying.

He looked at the seat next to him "Sea? Sea did I say something wrong?" He asked desperately trying to gain an answer. "No! I just, I just feel like, like everything is wonderful and Im actually happy again and I don't know why I'm crying!" He smiled wiping his tears from his face.

England pulled into the parking lot and leaned over, putting an arm around sealands shoulder "lets go in there and show em who the Rad dad and...lit son are". Sealand cringed "Dad, we talked about the talking, please just be normal" sealand begged.

"Is that a challenge?" England smirked and got out of the car. Sealand shook his head "dad, dad please, what are you doing- NO" horror hit him as he realized England was trying to dab and failing miserably. "LETS JUST GO INSIDE" he ran inside huddling Englands briefcase behind him.

England laughed and rushed after him. "Sealand wait up lad I threw my back out a few months back!" He ran after him.

"Aw c'mon! I promise I won't take anymore diamonds I promise!" Iceland pleaded with Sweden and ladonia. "No m'rcy" Sweden muttered and lit the tnt. "SVEN NO" Iceland yelled out putting his phone down. Ladonia snickered "Don't worry I saved the world before we logged on" he explained. Iceland glared at the two who highfived. "'S what ya get for takin' my diamonds".

Norway looked at the Dane across the table from him. "You know, were going to have to tell them, the court case is in two days Den" he said, keeping his voice low since the three were just in the room next door.

Denmark frowned, for the past three months both Sweden and Ladonia were more open, they were getting better emotionally and physically. Sweden started going to the gym with Denmark, Ladonia started trying new foods and eating healthier and Iceland when became more open. He dudnt want to ruin it all by having to go see Finland in court.

"I know we have to, but I just dont want to, I don't want to see them hurting again" Denmark pointed out. "Babe, if we dont tell them and ignore the court summons, Finland might walk free" Norway kept his voice low. Denmark massaged his temples "Fine, I'll tell them, but you gotta be behind me" his voice cracked.

Norway got up and held his hand to help him up "With you, I'd go anywhere I'm by your side" he told him. Denmark giggled "you've been looking at icelands song lyric blog again huh?". "Yeah I know I'm cheesy as hell" Norway poked him. "Now, let's go do it"

Ths two walked into the livingroom with saddened expressions covering there faces. Denmark held Norway's hand tighter "u-um guys theres something I need to tell you all" he muttered out.

Sweden and ladonia looked up as iceland continued his way up the stairs. "What is it?" Sweden asked. "You tell em" denmark pleaded with Norway who eventually gave in.

The words spoken chilled Sweden and ladonia to the bone. "There's a court case in two days, they need you and ladonia to go"

Tears welled in both the childs and nans eyes. "I cant Norway, I can't see him like thus I-I cant" Sweden mumbled out. "Dad, we have too"

As sealand and wngkand sat bear the fireplace as there eventful day came to a close. England remembered what he had to tell sealand. It was in two days, he didn't want his little boy to have to see that monster. But hs had no Choice really.

"Sea, I need you to pack your things tommorow, we have to go to Stockholm" he told the child, watching his heart shatter behind his eyes. "Its, its fir the court case".

"I see, I guess I have no choice then" sealand said and climbed intil Englands chair, curling up next to the man. "I love you dad" he stated. "Loce you to Pete"


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