Chapter 2

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"Ladonia....did someone in your family do this?" Norway's question echoed off the walls in ladonia's mind. If he told them what Finland had done, they wouldn't believe him. But if he lied they might know he was lying.

The two men stayed silent and just waited for an answer, the silence was so thicccccccc you could hear a pin drop onto the cold hardwood floor. "No, I just want to sleep...I can tell you in the morning but i just want to sleep" was his shaky answer.

Norway gave denmark a worried look, witch he returned, "Ladonia you need to tell-" Denmark was cut off "No, den he can tell us in the morning, go ahead and go up to the guest room kiddo" Norway nudged and ruffled his hair, noticing ladonia wince at the touch.

"Yes sir" Ladonia said and dragged his bag up the stairs. The two watched him go and sat on the couch, Denmark broke completely and started sobbing, what kind of monster would hurt his nephew like that?!. Norway scooted over and hugged him "hey calm down you big puppy its going to be okay, he's going to be okay" he tried reassure him.

"w-What kind of monster would hurt a 12 year old? Did you see how fucking scared here was?!" Mattias questioned, Lukas just nodded his head in disgust, "i don't know what kind of monster would hurt that little boy, but they won't ever hurt him again" Norway promised

That morning Ladonia didn't wake up till ten, it was confusing when he woke, where was he? Everything was sore and hurt, he could feel dry tear marks on his cheeks witch he wiped. Slowly got out the bed and recognised this place be Denmark and Norway's house.

His feet touched the cold hardwood floor as he shivered, feeling the cold down to his bones. He slowly slumped it room and down the stairs where he imeaditly saw Norway sipping his coffee and Denmark eating breakfast beside him.

"Good morning Erland, come i made waffles" Norway said dully, Ladonia raised an eyebrow and walked over, slowly taking a seat next to denmark, he started slowly eating waffle before pop question came. "Tell us what happened" Denmark pounded his fist down causing erland to jump.

"Simple,I ran sucks so I decided why not come here?" Ladonia half mumbled, it made Norway sad to hear a kid so young saying life sucked. "But that's not all of it, Ladonia how did you get beat up?" He pushed, trying to get him to spill. Ladonia set down his fork and went quiet.

"If i say you won't believe me" he claimed, Denmark shook his head "Ladonia, at this point we're gonna Believe you since you keep hiding it kid, tell us who the hell hurt you sO I CAN KICK THERE ASS" he slammed his first down, causing the Young boy to jump and wimper.

"I..Uh-" "Mattias what the fuck?, Erland spit it out!-" "Finland! Okay?! I said it Finland!"

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