First Day

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6 am

Irene woke up very early because it was a special day.

Today was the first day of Yeri's daycare.

She enrolled Yeri a bit late because she learned to speak a bit late so Irene wanted to teach Yeri first before teachers.

So now that it was Yeri's first day she was nervous on how Yeri will do.

She got all their uniforms ready and the breakfast ready she was nervous that Yeri would cry at daycare because of the last night incident that Irene told her she was going to daycare.

Last Night...

Irene was tucking everyone in and the last one to tuck in was Yeri.

"Yerimie..Momma has something to tell you" Irene said smiling "Your going to daycare" Then Yeri froze and her pupils shaked she was nervous, scared even in the verge of tears just imagining it.

"No" That was the only word Yeri said "But you need to go to daycare to learn" Irene said "No...Me don't wanna" Yeri said sadly.

"It's bad at the daycare, kids with sticky hands,gross habits and that weird teachers that smell like old ladies their all weird!" Joy explained and Irene glared at Joy as she try to scare her sister.

"No its not like what Joy said, they are all nice and happy there okay? get some rest your gonna like daycare" Irene said kissing Yeri's forehead and went out, as Irene left.

"Joy-Unnie, is daycawe bad?" Yeri asked "Yeah its a weird place and you wouldn't like it, kids that eat glue, sticky hands, kids that. grab your food and the weird teachers" Joy explained and she went to sleep.

While Yeri thought about the daycare and it frightened her.

Present Time..

Everyone was now buckled up in the car and Irene was gonna bring the kids to daycare.

The three we're giddy and talking while Yeri was silent.

'For the first time one was quite for a whole 5 mins such a miracle' Irene thought

When they reached the daycare the three ran to their respective rooms, Irene walked Yeri to her, when they reached the room of the kindergardeners.

Yeri was suppose to enter but she wouldn't let go of the hem of Irene's shirt

"Yerimie go in now i need to go to work soon" Irene said.

And Yes she was going back to work but it was just for a few hours from 9am-12pm like the four's daycare time.

Yeri just shook her head burying her face on Irene's blazer.

"Aww is this little Yerim" a teacher said walking to Yeri.

"Hi Yerim my name is Jennie you can call me Jendeuk" Jennie said crouching down to Yeri's height and putting her hand out.

Yeri peaked a little from the blazer and shook Jennie's hand slowly "Come inside everyone will love to meet you, we will have fun here" Jennie said to Yeri softly.

And it made Irene smile at the teacher's antics to help Yeri.

Some teachers here we're no help when the three first enrolled here but Jennie was different from the other teachers she was very caring like she was a mother too.

Like magic Yeri held Jennie's hand and they went inside, then Yeri looked back and tears started to flow.


Yeri said motioning me to come "You can join for a bit" Jennie said and walked with Yeri inside while Irene just stand by the side and watched.

"Settle down children, we have a new friend her name is Yerim say hello to her" Jennie said to the kids then the kids greeted Yeri and she smiled a little.

"Why don't you sit with my daughter Lisa over there Yeri" Jennie motion to the blonde girl on the right.

Yeri sat down and they both introduced themselves and talked, after a few minutes Irene left the daycare to go to work without Yeri noticing because she was talking to her new friend.

"Okay everyone i know all of you can count from 1-10 but now we will count backwards from 10"Jennie said and they all started to count.

Yeri turned around "" Yeri started to count "Oh no Yeri you don't turn around" Jennie giggled a bit and the kids help Yeri with counting and Yeri was having so much fun with the kids and Jennie was proud she didn't cry or even notice her Mom gone.

12 pm

The day ended and Yeri was just finishing her snack when three kids entered Yeri's classroom.

"Yerimie!!"The three said "Unnies!" Yeri showed her gummy smiled and the three hugged her.

Jennie was shocked that she remembered these kids they we're the kids that she met at the park a few weeks ago.

Then Irene arrived and saw the four already together "Hello my puppies" Irene said and the four ran to their Mom

"Oh miss Bae may i talk to you" Jennie said, the Irene nodded.

"I know this sounds weird but i think we already met at the park with my three kids? the white puppy?" Jennie said trying to make Irene remember then Irene's eyes grew wide.

"Oh it was you! what a small world" Irene said "I noticed Yeri has been having fun with my daughter Lisa" Jennie motioned Irene to look at Yeri and Lisa sharing.

"Where do you live so we can plan a playdate with your other kids and my kids too" Irene said "YG 1306" Jennie said "Hey our house is SM 1306 your just infront of us, how come i never see you though?" Irene asked.

"We just moved a few weeks ago" Jennie said

Then the kids came running to the two mothers.

"Hi angels"
"Hello Puppies"
They both said to their kids

"Well these are my daughters Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa" Jennie said.

"These are Seulgi,Wendy,Joy and Yeri" Irene said.

"Well we go to go now i think Joy is cranking because she's hungry, maybe we can chat let me give you my number" Irene said as they exchanged number and went home.

Inside the car everyone was talking about their day.

"Jisoo was so nice she says she has a dog name Dalgome" Seulgi said

"Yeah they have a another dog name Kuma too!" Wendy said to them

"Rosé was fun she sings good like Wendy-unnie and she has lots of snacks that she gave me" Joy said smirking

"Yeri how was daycare?" Irene asked then Yeri smiled.

"It fun me and Lwisa we eat chocolates and she play" Yeri said as she rambles about what she and Lisa did

It made Irene happy that Yeri enjoyed her daycare and made a friend, so Irene thought of bring the four to a samyeopsal restaurant to treat them all because of the best day they had in daycare.

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