A Dad's Retaliation

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It's been a few weeks since the incident and they haven't heard a peep from Byun-Woo so Irene thought that maybe he gave up now.

Now she can finally keep her guards down knowing her daughters can be safe, but she is still there picking them up and sending them to school for safety measures and also she doesn't let them out the house too much.

Today at Daycare, it was a normal day for the kids, Seulgi and Wendy's class went to music class for a bit while Joy had P.E as their last subject which caused them to play on the back fields.

While Yeri had art classes and started doing simple drawings and paintings.

"Students, I'm needed at the office today, I'll let you off early okay? You can play at the front of the school while waiting for your parents" Their teacher said informing the kids and they answered instantly.

"Okay babies clean up now and don't go too far okay?" Jennie said as she brought them to the bathrooms to clean off their painted hands.

The kids were left at the front of the school which was protected of a gate, the kids wouldn't be bored because there was a playground there, they couldn't play at the back field because of the other students doing PE.

"Yeri! let's play on the swing" Her friend Lisa said as they ran to the swings.

"I bwet I can go high!" Yeri said as she tried to make her swing go higher than Lisa's but she argued back that her swing can go higher.

While the kids were playing at the front there was a man spying on them at the other side of the street, he wore a gray suit and anyone who saw him could see confidence and that he meant business.

As he crossed the street to the daycare on of the kids stopped his playing  looking at the man near the gate "Hey little boy can you tell me where Bae Yerim is?" He said smiling at bit to calm down the terrified boy.

The shy boy just pointed at the swings where he saw two kids playing, he saw a familiar little girl giggling while playing with her friend.

"Yerim!" The man said as she smiled at the girl calling her over, While Yeri was curious on who was calling her when she saw in front of the gate a man familiar to her.

"Papa?" Yeri asked while she walked over, when she saw the man closer she concluded that it was really her dad.

"Are you picking me up Papa?" The little girl asked smiling ever so widely, it was the first time for her to experience being picked up from school by her father.

"Yes Babygirl, Come on" He said motioning her to hold her hand, but Yeri was a bit hesitant she looked around like she was missing something.

"Papa how about Unnies?" Yeri asked, while her father smiled reassuring her.

"It's too early and your Mama will pick them up, How about we get some Ice Cream?" Byun-Woo persuaded the young girl which nodded instantly at the mention of Ice Cream.

Little Yerim opened the gate and went to her father's arms as he carried her to the car but not before waving goodbye to her friend.

Lisa just waved goodbye but she was still curious on who that person was but she shrugged it off, Yeri didn't even looked scared so she probably knew the man.

In the car Yeri smiled excitedly clueless on what events was occurring right now, but she was just a child though and ahe trusted her father knowing she was safe, but curiousity got the best of her as she saw they passed through the Ice Cream parlor she was promised.

"Papa I want BR" Yeri pointed as she passed the store Baskin and Robins but her father reassured her trying to calm the little girl.

"Babygirl we need to go to my place first, I left my wallet there" Byun-Woo said as an excuse just so the little girl would be calm and Yeri understood fully nodding her head in agreement.

"Awasso!" Yeri smiled widely as she waited patiently to go to her father's place, she was excited to see his place and maybe have a day with him, it's been months since she saw his father, her mother always said he was busy and now Yeri was thrilled that her father finally has time.

They finally reached a hotel and Yeri stepped out the car excitedly, Her father was smiling widely as they went inside he needed to keep this facade up because there was cameras following him wanting them to see his interactions with her daughter.

As they entered his hotel room, there was luggages and bags on the floor but what attracted Yeri more was a cute school uniform on the bed, she ran to it and looked at it happily.

"Papa is this mwine?" The girl tilted her head as she looked at her father showing the garments on her hand, Byun-Woo smiled warmly at her and crouched down to her height.

"Ne Babygirl...Let me tell you something I came here to pick you up because we're going to America now" Byun-Woo explained as she tried to persuade the young girl.

"W-what about Mama? and Unnies?" She asked wanting her family with her she couldn't be able to go to another country without her Mother and Sisters.

"They will follow, when we get there to America they will be waiting there..You'll love it baby and you even have an English name like your other unnies" Byun-Woo said grabbing her hand, but he was smirking inside on how easy it was to fool her and distract her.

Yeri was thrilled wanting an english name too like her Mama, Wendy Unnie and Joy Unnie "What's my name Papa?" She asked excitedly.

"Katy...Katy Kim just like Papa's last name" He smiled as she put on the uniform on her youngest and it fit perfectly, Yeri loved it so much not wanting to remove it.

"Can I wear it at the Plane...I wuv it" Yeri swirled around the room with her new clothing

"Of course now come on baby, We're gonna be late to our flight" Byun-Woo said as she carried her in his arms as they went out the room, one of his managers entered the room grabbing the luggage, and they entered the van to get to the airport.

"Let's leave quickly I don't want them catching up on us" Byun-Woo whispered to his manager which Yeri didn't hear as she was distracted with the tablet Byun-Woo gave her.

'I finally have her'


Yeah so it's me...hehe only 3 more chapters left before the book ends it's sad I know but don't worry...The old author also wanted to say that she is thankful that everyone loved her book even though she didn't finish it...

And I'm sorry if I couldn't write these chapters too good because I don't know much about her book but only the plot on who will it end...it's a bit bad but I will try my best for everyone to enjoy.

That's all for me Babyeeee~~~

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