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Haeun's P.O.V

Today me and my cousin are going to babysit a kid, not just one but four rascals that's why i brought along my cousin Minseo to help me with the kids because just imagining 4 kids and 1 babysitter is hell so i needed help so i won't die.

I don't hate kids...i just despise they with a burning passion, there is a different between the two for me.

For me kids are the most evilest creatures so are babies some people may say its wrong but behind those adorable smiles, puffy cheeks and lovely eyes is pure evilness.

I don't even know why i agreed to babysit the Reveluv kids.

Maybe it was the lack of money i had or because i was so tired from cramming all the reviewers last night i answered thoughtlessly that i would take care of the kids now here i am walking to the house with my cousin.

"Yah! Haeun-ssi i heard these kids are devils that's why no one would babysat them" Minseo said as we reach the front door of the Reveluv Family's house.

Minseo knocked on the door then we heard screaming.

"I open it"

"No im older"

"No me"

"Im the leader"

Then the door was opened by a beautiful lady she looked so young like she was their Unnie "Umm.. we are looking for Ms. Reveluv" I said "Oh that's me" The beautiful girl said she didn't even look that old she looked so young and even handling four kids she didn't look like she aged.

"Oh we are the babysitters" Minseo said "Fantastic i need to leave now okay?" Ms.Reveluv said "Ne Ms. Reveluv" I said.

"Call me Bae Irene dears" Ms.Re- I mean Ms. Bae said smiling at us.

"Oh and these are Seulgi, Wendy their twins, Joy the second youngest and Yeri the maknae" Irene said as she introduced the kids.

"They are in great hands Ms.Bae" I said to Irene "Thank you-" Irene was cut off "Minseo and this my cousin Haeun" Minseo said " Okay take care of them I'll be back later in the afternoon" Irene said "Momma...dont leave" Yeri said she was wearing her Unicorn costume with Joy wearing a chicken costume, Seulgi as a bear and her twin sister Wendy as a dog.

"Why are they dressed up Ms.Bae?"I asked "Oh they watched this concert on TV from Red Velvet and they wanted to dress up like them" Irene said "Dont worry we will take care of them" I reassuring Irene.

"Okay, Goodbye Babies" Irene said as she kissed their head one by one and she left.

The four ran around the house and tried to hide.

"This won't that hard Minseo" Haeun said grabbing some juice from the fridge.

"They seem like angels to me" Minseo said and they both grabbed snacks and went to watch some movies leaving the kids all alone up in their rooms but the little ones we're planning something to get the babysitters out.

Joy's P.O.V

I am planning something big!

Something that will make the babysitters suffer so mommy won't leave anymore.

"You know what to do know right?" I said to them

"Ne!"They all said.

I gave the key to my Unnies and Wendy went out the room with Seulgi to grab something downstairs they return with 3 bottles of 1 liter cokes.

"Okay Drink up"
I said smirking.

The three opened up their bottles and started chugging it all up 'This will cause a whole lot of trouble' I thought smirking.

I know that if the three drink coke they get an awful lot of hyperness for the three so that the babysitters will have a hard time and they won't come back, I saw Yeri finish the coke and she instantly laid down and fell asleep.

Seulgi Unnie and Wendy Unnie they all fell asleep but after a few minutes they will all wake up and be so energetic the babysitters won't take it and they will leave.

'This is the greatest idea i made'

15 mins later...

Minseo and Haeun finished the movie they we're watching they grew nervous because the house was silent no kids playing no screaming,bickering or fighting they we're nervous because Irene told them it was never silent in the house.

"What if they broke out...or they died....or they--" Haeun was cut off by Minseo.

"Yah don't think like that" Minseo said hitting Haeun's arm "Yah! no need to hit me!" Haeun said rubbing her arm.

"They probably fell asleep or eating that's why their quite not what you we're thinking, i will go upstairs you check the kitchen"

Minseo said and Haneun gave a thumbs up and went inside the kitchen while Minseo slowly walked upstairs.

Minseo's P.O.V

I slowly walked upstairs 'Maybe they fell asleep' I thought as i opened their rooms and saw it all empty.

"What the? where are they" I said as i open the other room and didn't see a sight of them i was looking all over for them.

"Joy? Wendy? Seulgi? Yeri?" I said looking around.

Then a brown figure zooms pass me  then i couldn't see what happened until i landed on my bum 

"Ow! what the--"


"S-Seulgi?" I took a moment and i saw Seulgi clearly.

"Meoww" She said and hold myself from smiling or cooing on what she was doing.

"I'm not Seulgi I'm a bear!" Seulgi said and i smiled.

"You not a bear Seulgi, Bears don't meow Seulgi" I said "I am a bear and Yes they Meow...and bears eat babysitters!"

Seulgi said before i could know what was happening Seulgi was now biting my arm.

" have sharp teeth!" I said shaking Seulgi off my arm, i still want to have this arm though i  thought trying to remove the gnawing Seulgi off my arm.

"Seulgi stop...if you dont'll take away your pringles" I said then Seulgi instantly stopped.

I looked over a teary eyed Seulgi "Oh no Oh no" I said then it was too late Seulgi was now sobbing.

"No No i won't take away--" I was carrying Seulgi when I was cut off by another kid running here.

"You make Ddeulgi-Unnie cwy!" I looked over and saw Yeri.

'Oh no' i thought.

"No no Yerimie its not what it looks like" I said trying to calm Seulgi and Yeri but Seulgi sobbed more.

"GRR!!" Yeri said as she ran down the hall and held on my leg then i try to shake her off but she won't budge then she bit my leg.

"Oh my" I say trying to hold off the urge to cuss infront of the kids.

I think it was a miracle of some sort but then a can of pringles came rolling in, I quickly grabbed it

"Seulgi-ah Yeri-ssi you want this?"

I asked shaking the can of Pringles then they both shaked their heads i put Seulgi down and rolled the Pringles down the hall when the two we're gone.

I ran downstairs to be safe " I hope Haeun is doing much better than me" I said as i looked at tbe bite marks on my arm and legs

"That was only two kids and my whole energy is gone what will happen if all four are present" I said to myself.

'I think all hell will break loose'

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