Chapter 1- "Welcome home"

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{Callie's P.O.V}

Today was the day, the day that I'd finally see my cousins again. It's been a rough journey without them.
We'd lost contact for a while and that pained me, but now that's all gone, and I'm going to be happy again, with my true family.

I was so anxious I stayed up for the whole ride, I missed days of sleep but I guess it's worth it.

An hour later I arrived at the Los Angeles airport. I got off the plane and looked around when I heard my name.

"CALLIE!" I turned around and saw Cesar running up to me and Oscar was walking behind him. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I dropped my bags in shock.

"Oh my god..." was all I could say when he held me close, hugging me till I couldn't breathe.

"She can't breathe hermano.." Oscar said prying him off of me, as I gasped for air.

"Heh..sorry, I just really missed you." He said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"I've missed you too." I smiles a little and Oscar stepped up.

"What about me?" He said with his hands in his pockets. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"I missed you too.." I said and he smiled a little then let go.

"let's go, it's getting late and I've got shit to do" I roll my eyes and Cesar laughs. They picked up my bags and we walked to his car.

"He's right, and my friends will love you, I told them about you, but I won't be at orientation tomorrow so you'll have to go alone." They put my bags in the trunk and We all got in the car.

"Alone?! I don't even know my way around this place!" I crossed my arms and sat in the back seat.

"That's why you have them to help you, duh." Cesar said and Oscar turned the radio on and started to drive home.

I looked out the window and admired Los Angeles, it was so bright and sunny. The window was down and I stuck my head out as the wind smacked me in my face.

It wasn't a bad feeling though...I felt free. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath,
when I opened them I saw a curly headed brown skinned boy sitting on a porch, mean mugging anything that went by, except for me...he kept a mean face but it wasn't as bad when we locked eyes.

We kept looking at each other until Cesar rolled up the window causing me to get back in the car.

"Don't even think about it Callie." He said sternly as I kept trying to look at the boy.

"What? I'm not doing anything." I said sitting back with my arms crossed.

"Don't try it, he's trouble, so stay away from him." Oscar ended this debate and pulled up at the house.

There were a lot of men on the front yard smoking, drinking, rolling dice etc.

I was introduced to a few unknown family members and after that Oscar showed me to my room.

I opened the door and viewed my room, it was nice better than I'd ever had.

I started to unpack everything that I brought, which was mostly clothes until I heard a knock on my door, I opened it and it was Cesar

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I started to unpack everything that I brought, which was mostly clothes until I heard a knock on my door, I opened it and it was Cesar.

"Hey." He said and I let him in

"What's up?" I sat back down on my bed and continued to unpack.

"Just wanted to catch up, we haven't talked in a while." He said sitting next to me.

"Yeah..." I started to think back on all the conversations we used to have.

"So..what happened?" He asked looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I tried to act like I didn't know what he was talking about, not because I didn't want to tell him, but because it would pain him to know he couldn't do anything, I've known Cesar for a while...and I know how he gets...

"You know exactly what I mean...." he started to pry, and the look on his face made me open up.

"After Mom- your Auntie, killed herself...My dad-Your Uncle, got really upset, at first it started with him crying himself to sleep or not getting out of bed, but then that sadness turned into anger." I stopped moving my clothes and Cesar cleared his throat.

"You don't have to go on if you don't want to." He said softly and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I tried..I to be there for him, but then he just kept hitting me, over and over and over, I couldn't call anybody, he took my phone, unplugged all the house phone's and threw em' away...
Then I tried to run, but somehow he'd find me, he'd lock me in my room and yell at me from the other side, and when he got done yelling he'd play a video of my mom singing to him..
She had a pretty voice, real bluesy, I use to think- if she would still be alive, we could
Travel the world together...go on tours and stuff
that thought is what kept me going. One day he got hella drunk and left the house for a while- that was the day I snuck my phone back, I got a text from him saying he was sorry and allat' bullshit..and he never came home. Come to find out the next day he got into a car accident..and lost his life." I took a pause and it was nothing but silence for a good moment.

"I was then put into the system, they took care of me for a while until they started to reach out to any family members I could go and live with, I was so happy when they told me they found you guys and said you'd be taking me in. So they payed for my plane ticket- which was nice of them considering the fact that it wasn't a really nice Orphanage." I laughed a little and Cesar smiled then pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay now, you're here and safe...welcome home." He said comforting me.

I heard footsteps move away from the door as if someone was listening, but I payed it no mind. Cesar then said goodnight and went to his room.

I put on some pajamas and went to sleep.

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