A star overnight Chapter 2

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I blinked. "First of all... i don't have an agent. And second of all, why would you take me to your bedroo- i mean to Los Angeles?" I demanded. He smiled more and leaned closer to me, and i could smell his aftershave. I blushed and turned away, i had onion earlier! Is he going to smell it? "Because i'm your agent." I sighed and crosses my arms.

"You don't look like an agent."

"You don't too." The guy named Owen said. 

"Look, me and my dad are having pizza, it was i really long day, i sang at my school's-"

"I know. I was there." Owen interrupted. My face turned bright pink. How embarrassing! "It was good." He said, "The reason i came here today was because, you have an opportunity."

"An opportunity for what?"

Owen didn't answer, instead, he got straight down to the point, "Do you have a Youtube chanel by the name of 'CountryGurlSarah6462'?"

"Um yes. How do you know?" I questioned. Just then, Dad came to the door, behind me. He eyed Owen carefully and greeted politely. "Hello, do you have any business with my daughter?"

"Um, no Dad he was just leaving." As i was about to close the door, Owen's foot blocked the door. "Hi,sir. Im Owen. And yes, i do have some business with you daughter, Sarah." How did he know my name? Forget that, it's the way he said my name! A sexy guy's voice saying my name like he already knew me. "If it's Alright with you, may i please come in and explain further?" Boy, he was good at fooling people. "Uh...sure." Dad sounded UNsure. 

"Sarah was a friend of mine back in middle school." Owen said, after he got in the house. "I recently found her on facebook and we were chatting a bit. And my mom said it will be a good idea to stay over in Los Angeles with us. You remember Rose, don't you Sarah?" Owen asked me. I nodded, just to be polite, but i seriously didn't know what he was talking about. He may be making this up as he goes along or i might've not have remembered at all. "My mom would love to see you again, Sarah. If that's alright with you, Sir." I smiled, mockingly. 'Not gonna work' you can never persuade my Dad. But my dad questioned further, "How calm i didn't know about this?"

"Well, you didn't Dad. But mom did, before she went to hospital." I said. There was something about Owen and how hard he tried to bring me to Los Angeles for whatever reason. I know i wouldn't agree to go, but i still wanted to hear Owen's story.

"Your mother's in hospital?" Owen asked.

I nodded, "she needs a new heart. But we don't have money at the moment so..." 

"Anyway, anyway..." Dad interrupted, "I need to meet your mother face to face before i can let my daughter go to Los Angeles with you." He was already considering this??!

"Well, sure." Owen agreed, "in fact, she's coming here this weekend. But i might have to stay at your place. I didn't book a hotel." My jaw dropped. Was he serious right now? Were we really going to let a stranger stay here? I didn't even know him, and what could he be planning? But Dad seemed to buy it. "Okay. You can stay in our guestroom for a little bit, i guess." 

I examined Owen. It looks like he had a packed bag already. I guess he knew he was going to stay here for the night.  When me and him were alone, i angrily whispered, "what was that? And why were you lying to my Dad? And how do you know me, anyway?"

"You were lying to him too." He said, calmly. "Would you think he'd believed me if i said i was your agent?"

"But you're not..And explain everything to me. From who you are, to why you want to bring me to L.A with you,"

"Well, i work for a performing Arts high school called Aim, in L.A, and we stumbled across your You-tube Channel. And saw some of your videos of you singing."

"Performing Arts school? Stumbled across?" I echoed. "But how did you find me?"

Owen smiled, "That's classified. But i came here to bring you to L.A and enroll you to the school, and make you famous."

I nearly burst out laughing, "Yeah, right. This is a joke. Show me some I.D, Documents, Proof or something." 

"Sure. All we need is the Internet. Do you have a computer somewhere?" Owen looked around. 

So there i was, typing Owen's full name in the search engine. And O-M-G he was right. 'Owen, a successful celebrity Agent, that dealt with Taylor swift, Kierra knightley and much more! Works for a performing Arts School and gives young starts the opportunity to get the Spotlight. Also, helped a girl from New York to actually get into Storm Modelling Agency.' I have read enough. I saw his handsome face on the computer screen. I was ready to give up and agree to come. But i didn't fall into temptation yet. "Whatever. So you're a famous Agent. Big deal, i'm not going to L.A."

Owen didn't seem to mind, "well, it's your choice if you want to miss your opportunity to be a celebrity. You know you had potential. And what would you say to your dad. Oh, and this could also help you pay off the money of you mom's heart transplant. I'll make a deal. But, if you don't want to then... It's fine." I stood straight and was about to walk out of the door. 

"Wait." I called out, "did you just say...this will help my mother?" I asked.

"Well, sure. It will pay off the money." Owen answered.

"I'm not sure..."

"What? You don't trust me... i've already showed you proof. And your mother is at risk. And you're saying you're not sure?"

"I..." I felt fustrated. I never asked for this. "I just wanted a normal peaceful life! A normal Friday! And here you come, telling me i need to go to L.A, i mean this is like a movie! And this could be a practical joke, for all i know!" 

"You know... you can just reject my offer, i don't have to be you Agent anymore. You dont have to sign a contract." Owen said. "So-" Suddenly, the front door opened and my dad was back home. I put on a fake smile and acted as if nothing happened. "I got the pizza." Dad said, lamely. I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "Great."

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