A star overnight Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes, waking up from a heart warming dream, though i can't remember it. I wiggled my toes and stretched my legs and arms, tilted to the left and-

Gasp! Oh god, oh no no no. I froze and stared at Owen, lying on my bed, asleep. God, he was so cute. Anyway, i focused on not waking him up. I slowly slid out of my covers and held my breath. Proud of myself, i tip toed to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. "Oh, my god, oh my god!" i whispered to myself, mouth wide open. I.AM.OFFICIALLY.THE.LUCKIEST.GIRL.IN.THE.WORLD! I stayed in the bathroom for about five minutes, staring at myself in the mirror, and kept telling myself how lucky i am, and doing mini celebration dances on the bathroom floor. "Yes, yes! oh, yeah, uh-huh!" I whispered to myself.

Back in the bedroom, i jumped on the bed and woke Owen up, "What do you think you're doing in my room?"  Owen, stood up, with bed hair, it took him a second to wake himself up, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up. "I wanted to come to this room." He murmured. I swear, his sleepy voice was ultra sexy. "You know you have a guest bed..." I said. He gave me a disgusted look, that turned into a frightened look, "I couldn't sleep there, it was too cramped and small. And there's spiderwebs in the corner, fix that room up." I gave him a fake offended gasp, and stood up and snatched the covers from him, planning on freezing him. Instead, i saw his (half) naked body. I looked away quickly, and tried to make a joke out of it, he sighed and and ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door behind him. 

"Hey, sweetie. Breakfast?" Dad offered, biting on a slice of toast and reading The Sun.

"You're seriously considering letting Owen live here..." I asked.

"He's a good lad, he is. Consider L.A a free holiday." Dad laughed.

"But i don't want to go to L.A ..." I mumbled, grumpily. I hugged  Dad and kissed him on the cheek, "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too. Promise me one thing before you go to L.A."

"I promise i won't get drunk-" I protested.

"No..." Dad hesitated, "that you'll be the same sweet girl before you left" 

I smiled, "I promise i'll be the same boring 16 year old girl you used to know." I secretly nicked a piece of toast from Dad's plate. And took a big bite. "But...i'm not sure if i want to go to L.A''

"Oh come on. You need to grow up a bit. Have some responsibility." 

I bit my lip. Should i carry on lying to Dad, or should i tell him the real reason why i'm going to L.A? "I'll just...check on Owen." I smiled and skipped upstairs.

"You know, for an 'Agent' you really look lazy." I said to Owen, who was sitting on my bed. (I'm sorry to boast, but...can you believe a famous HOT celebrity agent was sitting on my bed!? This still felt unreal.) 

"You wanna say it louder?" He replied, squeezing the water from his hair. I can't believe they HIRED this guy to be my agent. I'm the one telling him off most of the time, and he acts like baby. I realized i was staring at him, and he looked at me curiously, "What?"

"Nothing. I just realized how much of a baby you resembled." I said, pathetically. 

"I'm not much of an Agent. I'm more of a ... manager." Owen said, ignoring my comment. 

"You're strange..." I kept going on. 

"And after you're done insulting me all day, you can get to know me better." He stood up, and i sat down on my bed, "Oh and...sorry that this was all sudden. I'll try and make it up to you. Lunch is on me."

".......thanks." I manged to squeal out. "See, he was so nice when he wanted to be-"

"You can pay me back after you get home." He added, smiling and left the room. 

Let me take that back. 

"Gosh, Owen slow down!" I trailed after him. 

"You're not my mum." He mumbled. 

I rolled my eyes, "bet she had a hard time raising you."

"She died when i was just born."

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