A star overnight Chapter 10

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OK, so here's what happened! We were running late! So we quickly got our stuff and took a ride to Hollywood. And O..M..G...L.A is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I smiled to myself in the car, snapping pictures of everything i can get my eyes on. "Wow! This is where you live?!" I asked Owen, amazed. He just simply shrugged and drove the car. 

We stopped in front of a small modern hotel. At 9PM. With a garage at the bottom...a bit weird... And the lights were on.

"Home sweet home." Owen mumbled, lazily.

My jaw ropped, "THIS is your house??" I screamed.

"Stop talking so loud. And yes. This is my home." He hissed.

I stared at it, while walking forward, and nearly tripping over myself. 

"Watch where you're going." He hissed again, irritated. "And besides. You're not coming in yet. I just need to pick up a few things and then we're going to get dinner. I'm starving.You stay here."

My face fell, "Can't i come in? Please? Pretty please, with sugar and icing on top and all that crap." I crossed my fingers.

Owen rolled his eyes. "Nah-ah. You already cause trouble when we're outside, i don't want to know how you'll be inside. Stay here, don't touch anything, don't attempt to drive my car and crash it, don't talk to any strangers, don't sneak in, don't wander away, don't-"

"Alright, alright i get it! Gosh, you make me sound like a a walking disaster. I'll just stand here and play scarecrow." I sighed. 

He smirked, "good." 

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

Then i remembered. 

The kiss. 

Suddenly, i went bubbly all over. I still remember that kiss! Back in Virginia. The kiss that made me hot all over! Does he remember it too? Is he trying to hide it? Does he like me? Do i like him? And why is he so sweet to me when I'm sad or tired, and mean to me when i'm happy? 

Then i remembered i was supposed to call Dad! "Shit..." I whispered to myself. I don't even have a phone! I reached into the car to grab Owen's phone. He won't mind. I quickly dialed Dad's number. He picked up instantly after one ring. "Hello?"

"Hey,Dad..."  I mumbled, apologetically . 

"How calm it took long for you to call?" He sounded a bit mad.

"Sorry! After i got off the plane i was really tired but then i saw Hollywood! Dad you should've seen it! And you should see Owen's hou- i mean Stella's house!  C'est magnifique!" I squealed, "Oh and i'm using Owen's phone right now." I added.

"Hope you send pictures Via Email." He said, but it sounded like something was on his mind. I ignored it. 

"Alright, well. Me and Owen are about to have dinner right now...so-"

"Are you and him dating?" Dad asked.

I blinked. I didn't expect him to ask that, "no...i don't think. I mean...we're just friends! Very OLD childhood friends!" I added.

Dad laughed, "hope to hear from you soon then."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Dad replied.

"Well, that was a cute conversation you had with my phone." I looked up to find Owen right in front of me, i gasped. He was carrying a silver credit card with unlimited spending money. I looked up at him, nervously. "Who were you talking to? 'Love you.' " Owen mimicked, he sounded as if he was jealous. Well if that was the case...i smiled. 

"Jason." I said, still smiling mischievously. "I love him. We've been together for...two years now." 

Owen's face didn't change expression, he snatched his phone away and looked at the number that i have dialed, "then i'll tell him about the kiss we shared." He mumbled.


I rolled my eyes, "I don't have a boyfriend named Jason." I snatched the phone back, "that was my Dad." I smiled mockingly. 

Owen flushed with embarrassment. "O-oh."

I kept smiling, "So...what about the kiss?" 

"Th-that was just a joke, GOSH, I WASN'T REALLY GONNA TELL!" 

"Sounds to me like you're jealous." I teased.

"No I'm not! Why would i be jealous of a boring country girl who lives in a shed?" Owen asked.

I laughed, "Oh, so you think you're better than me?" I squealed.

"Screw you." He hissed. "And don't use my phone when i'm not there."

"I needed to call Dad otherwise he'll be worried, genious!" I snorted. 

"Get rude to me one more time and i'm not buying you dinner!" He shouted. 

I crossed my arms and sighed, shaking my head. "See if i care. Unlike you, i don't eat carb less cabbage all my life!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Yeah well, i don't." He scowled at me angrily. "Gosh, i never knew you were such a bitch."

"Hm...must've gotten it from you, jerk!"

"Oh, whatever! I don't have time for kids like you!" Shouted Owen.

I gasped, "I'm not a kid!" I unfolded my arms. "Then  why did you kiss me anyway, mister wannabe?" I smiled evilly. Owen growled frustratedly  and raised his hands up to my face. I honestly though he was going to punch me, with those angry eyes. I closed my eyes and winced. Nothing happened. "Just to shut you up! Like now!" He replied.

Wait...what does he mean...'Like Now'? 

Then suddenly, i feel him grabbing my face and pressing his lips against mine. I was surprised that i didn't react at first. Then i kissed him back. And curled my arms around his neck and moved my hands to his hair. It lasted for a lifetime. I closed my eyes and smiled. If this was his way of shutting me up, then he can do it anytime. 

Then, he finally pulled back, his cheeks red. He didn't meet my eyes. And i looked at the ground. 


"So, uh..." Owen whispered. 


"I'm sorry..." I said, finally, "Sorry i lied about Jason and all that. And I'm sorry for calling you those names..."

Owen nodded, embarrassed, "I'm sorry too." He cleared his throat. 

"I made everything up about me having a boyfriend." I mumbled.

"I know...that's good." He said, brushing his hand through his hair.


"Aw! That was just too cute!" A female voice behind us said. I quickly looked back. It was a gorgeous girl with long black curls, wearing designer everything!

"Oh great..." Owen cursed under his breath. 

I looked at him, then back at the girl.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

The girl rolled her eyes to Owen. "I'm Gwen. God help Owen if he hasn't mentioned me. I'm Jennifer's cousin. I live here with Owen and my boyfriend Paul."

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