Chapter Four

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Chapter Four | Blacked Out

I'm awoken by a bright light shining through my curtains, making the headache I have ten times worse than it already is.

"Damn fucking sun..." I mumble, pulling my sheets over my head to shield my eyes from the light. "What time is it anyway?" I ask myself, reaching my arm out of the covers to grab my phone and pull it under the sheets with me. "Fucking 10:00 am on a Saturday..." I groan again and put my phone back on the bedside table before psyching myself up and finally getting dressed for the day.

I decide to dress how I feel and end up putting on a plain black tank top and light grey sweatpants before closing my door and walking downstairs to grab some pain killers.

After the elevator reaches the ground floor, I step out and make a b-line for the kitchen to check the medicine cabinet. I open it and the first thing I see is a packet of aspirin. "Thank fuck!" I whisper-yell to myself, taking out two tablets and swallowing them without water. I walk over to the fridge to grab milk, wanting a bowl of cereal, and as I walk to the fridge I walk past a big floor-to-ceiling window. I look up, ready to swear at the sun for being so bright, but end up being stopped in my tracks when I see my stalker staring through the window. I stare back at him frozen in place, and he stares back at me, knowing that I've caught him staring. I don't blink and I can't see his eyes, so I'm not sure if he is or not, but he never moves his head to break eye contact.

We stand like that for minutes, no one making a move or breaking eye contact until finally, someone walks into the kitchen and my stalker walks away from the window.

"What the fuck are you doing?" you hear an aggravated voice ask from behind you.

"Looking," I respond as I begin walking to the fridge again to grab my milk, but in a stiffer manner than usual.

"Oh, okay." the crimson eye boy smirks, clearly finding something amusing.

"What is it?" I ask him, pouring your milk into the bowl with my cereal.

"Oh nothing, I'm just wondering how your hangover's going? You were pretty wasted last night," he says nonchalantly.

I freeze as his words register.

I was drinking again? Whilst someone is stalking me!? I'm a fucking idiot.

I get up and activate my quirk, using it to push him against the wall behind him.

"What the fuck did I do last night?" I ask him with a dangerously low voice and a glint in my eye. He doesn't even struggle, clearly not surprised by my outburst.

"Not much, the usual things drunk people seem to do," he tells me, his face going slightly red, probably from me choking him. "You did do a lot of stupid shit, but you obviously don't remember any of it," he says, knocking me away from him so we're standing face to face.

"Tell me what I did," I demand, my cool facade starting to slip.

"If you're too drunk to remember, you probably don't wanna know what you did," he tells me simply before pouring a glass of water and walking out.

What the fuck did I do?

Bakugo's Point of View

God, she's actually adorable. The way she snapped under pressure is just, ugh! What the fuck am I doing teasing her?

I let out an annoyed grunt before slamming my glass on one of the coffee tables and sitting on the sofa closest to it.

At this point, it's pretty obvious that she actually has a stalker, she's paranoid even when she's sober, and I'm pretty sure I saw her looking at someone out of that window.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I mumble before chugging my glass of water and heading out to train myself. It's Saturday so most of the class went home for the weekend, meaning that there's only a few of us left in the dorms for the weekend.

I begin with a light jog around the school, and once I make it back to the dorms, I hear two people talking, more specifically, Aizawa-Sensei and Mayu.

"-Still following me, Aizawa," Mayu says. She sounds really broken, and I'm guessing she's about to cry because of her voice cracking.

"That's a given. I spoke to the principal about your predicament," he says.

"What did he say?"

"He can't do anything if he doesn't know your past, Mayu. You have to tell him what's happening," he says, rather gently might I add.

"Then I don't need his help! If he has to pry into my private life to keep me safe on his school grounds then I can get rid of him on my own!" she says firmly. I mean, she has a point there.

"You don't understand, Mayu. If your stalker really is your brother, then we have to take action immediately. We barely beat him last time he attacked and with All Might retired, we might not be able to beat him a second time. The teacher's need to know your past, otherwise you won't be the only student in danger." Aizawa tried to reason with her.

It was silent after that. Mayu was obviously thinking things over. Her brother is the one stalking her? What kind of fucked up family does she have?

"I-I'll tell the principal; and only the principal." she bargained with Aizawa-Sensei, clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

"That's all I needed to hear," Aizawa said before heading toward the corner I was hiding behind.


I panic and run back to the dorm, taking a seat on one of the sofa's, trying to act casual.

I don't think anyone saw me because Mayu didn't approach me and Aizawa-Sensei didn't either, but holy shit.

The rabbit hole just became a one way trip to hell, and from what I've heard, it's been like that for a while now for Mayu.

What is she hiding?

Please don't be a ghost-reader and be sure to like and comment~


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