Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven | Home

I wake up in the nurses' office, once again cold thanks to the thin sheets.

I pull them further up my body before thinking over what had happened.

I wonder how fast I could get out of the city? No, I'd have to pack my shit first. I'd also have to apologise to every since they got caught up in it.

The cogs in my head begin to turn, but they all stop when I realise one thing.

There's absolutely no way they haven't been told about me.

If that's the case, would they even want an apology? I should just start packing now and leave.

I kick my legs over the edge of the bed and rip the bandages off of my wrists and left cheek.

I don't need these.

I slam open the door and begin to head to the dorms.

How can I get in without being spotted? My room is at the back of the building so that's probably my best bet.

I use my quirk to build up power in my legs and jump up, landing on my window sill and sliding open the window to step in.

I push the curtains back and step in before closing my window and turning around to see every single member of 1-A in my room.

"W-what the fuck?" I ask, stepping back in shock.

If they know my past there's no point in faking my emotions anymore.

"We waited for you to wake up, Tamiko-san." I hear Uraraka speak up first.

"You've been out of it for hours now." Another person, Kirishima speaks up.

I stand there looking at my classmates before looking to the ground, using my hair to hide my face.

"I don't know why you're all here, but I'm gonna ask you to leave. I need to pack my things." I say, pushing through the crowd and opening my door, motioning for them to leave.

No one even moves.

"You're leaving?" Bakugo speaks up, hurt clear in his crimson orbs.

"Obviously, Sparky-Boom. Shimura knows I'm here, so now you guys aren't safe either. I'm not staying so that you can be put in more danger because of me." I say.

I stand by the doorway, waiting for them all to leave me, but once again, no one moves.

"We don't blame you, y'know..." I look up and meet Bakugo's eyes, shocked by his statement.

"You can't help who your family is and you can't change the past," Todoroki says, almost as if he's talking from experience. "Not a single person standing here blames you for what you've been through, other than yourself."

I once again take a few steps back, feeling as if his statement was a bullet through the chest.

No one talks while I compose myself, and I yet again, make eye contact with Bakugo. Why're his eyes so captivating?

"I-" I begin to speak, trying to find the right words."I appreciate everything you've done for me, and I apologise for my previous behaviour."I say, bowing my head in respect before continuing. "But I don't plan on staying." I make eye contact with every single person in the room before grabbing my backpack and packing while they all watch me.

"Are you an idiot?" Bakugo yells, stepping for and pushing me against the wall. "How dense are you?" he says, aggressively poking my temple.

I push him away and let out a huff before continuing to pack.

"What Kacchan meant to say was, we want you to stay, Mayu." Midoriya gives Bakugo a side-glare, something I've never seen him do before, and it brings a slight smile to my face.

"You want me to stay?" I ask, confirming his earlier words.

"Yes, Tamiko-san. We like having you here, even if you faking everything you do," he says, smiling lightly himself.

I stand with a half-packed bag and a half-assed smile on my face as everyone in the room comes up and gives me a hug, even Todoroki did.

The last person to hug me is dear ol' Sparky-Boom.

He pulls me into a hug, just like everyone else, but this one feels different, more intimate than the others.

"You'd better be staying after this," he whispers in my ear as he pulls away from the hug.

"I wonder about that~" I tease, standing on my bed so that everyone can see me.

"I'd like to apologise again for my former idiocy, and, I'd like to introduce myself properly," I say, bowing as a greeting before standing straight, a full-blown grin on my face.

"My name is Mai Tenko, but I'd appreciate if you all called me Mayu. I'll be in your care from now on." I say, bowing again and stepping off the bed, only to be tackled by the girls of the class.

"Welcome to UA, Mayu-chan!" I hear Tsu giggle along with the other girls, and the guys just watch the scene unfold before them.

"This is the real good stuff, ain't it boys?"

We all stop giggling and turn to look at Mineta, an ominous aura surrounding the blob of us.

"Say, Mineta," I gently push the girls off of me, showing my strength before standing up and walking towards Mineta, a sadistic grin on my face. "Do you remember my first day here? Oh, what was it that you ask me again?" I say, grabbing his arm and flinging him through the door of my room, into the hallway. "It was very respectful, wasn't it? Care to remind me?" I crack my knuckles and watch as he goes a shade whiter before standing up and slowly backing away, almost as if he'd turn his back and I'd kill him, which I would.

I let out an annoyed huff before turning around again, looking at everyone left in my room.

Some are smiling, some are scared, and some make me feel things I shouldn't, but overall, everyone makes me feel at home.


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